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2 months freaking 2 months had passed. But Hadrian was not getting a date for trial. Hellari was back to normal according to everyone. She could feel other's emotions and she don't want to make them worried anymore.

She still missed Cedric even cry before sleep but do not spoke a singles word to anyone. She started wearing all black outfits which depicts death of mate.

Hella was in her room when she was got a letter from under door. She went near it and opened it. It had Hadrian's seal on it. She hurriedly opened

Dear hellari

In this letter their are given some instructions if something bad happens in triwizard tournament and I am not around for more than 2 months.

* pack your bag!

Hellari ran towards her wardrobe and took out her some clothes and essentials and few pictures of Cedric and packed it in bag. She again open the letter to continue

Go downstairs and wait in living area for 4 more members who have same letter in their hands.

Hellari put on her cloak

And ran downstairs and saw weasley twins with Same letter in hands and bags next to them

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And ran downstairs and saw weasley twins with Same letter in hands and bags next to them.

" letter? " Fred

Hellari nodded in no time soon naville and Luna joined them with luggage in hands and letters as well.

They took out their letters

* hellari take 3 letters from Tom

Hellari went in Tom's study and knocked. Tom came out and handed over 3 sealed letters. He hugged hellari. Why did it felt like a good bye?

She nodded and went down. And started reading the letter again

* go to muggle markets and buy all if you a full muggle wardrobe.

This part confused them. But the 4 of them nodded and went to London muggle stores to buy themselves wardrobes.

When they reached their hellari and Luna did alot of shopping. Hellari made Luna but several different cardigans, sneaker, boots and she herself buy a lot of outfits. When they billed everything the grand total was 78k per person. The cashier was shocked. Hellari gave her the card which gringots issued can be used at muggle world.

They put their bags in taxis and started reading letter again

* Open the first envelop with my initials

They opened the letter and saw 4 flight tickets and a 4 more keys inside

* board the plane and go to forks, Washington. Forks is a muggle small town. Stay there as like a muggle and make good connections with the ulley pack which is Sirius relatives and with
Carlisle Cullen the head vampire if Cullen family and until next notice you are students of their local highschool as transfer students from London since I know Hogwarts will be postponed till next year. I believe in you 5 the most please and the leader of this mission is hellari

P.s leader of Cullen's and ulley pack are informed of your arrival. Be a true slytherine.

And the letter ends.

" let's do our Lord's order!" hellari commanded.

They went back home packed the shopping stuff and said goodbyes to family and friends and went to board the plane

Just wait forks we are coming

Dark Lord Hadrian ( Tommary) (Tom Riddle X Harry Potter) Ft. Twilight Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt