The Best Friendships Form During Train Rides part 2

Depuis le début

Dream smirked, "Sure," he said with a chuckle. 

When the two arrived in their compartment, and began talking. "How's life as a Taken?" George asked.

"Boring," Dream said. "I have a sister though, we hang out a lot and that's always fun. Until mother asks to borrow Drista for a moment then place her in those ballroom lessons that she hates so much."

George hummed, "Yeah, I get that. My parents make me attend like almost all the fancy lessons, but I've read a book about muggle stuff and found something called a computer and apparently they can like write up something called codes and make anything happen inside a little screen," George explained excitedly. "My parents won't allow it though. They say it would be useless seeing that I can just—" he pulled his wand from his pocket—"Whoosh anything into existence."

"That's lame," Dream said. "I have a friend, Sapnap—he's muggleborn—I met him after sneaking out of the mansion and he showed me how muggle items work and it's much more satisfying to actually put effort into something rather than just, yeah, whoosh. The only thing that I actually put any effort in this world is looking a perfect pureblooded heir." Dream rolled his eyes.

"Being a pureblood sucks," George said. "We always have to attend those dances."

"All those horrible tutors," Dream listed off.

"Getting yelled at for being 'rowdy'," George made air quotes. "I drank water a bit faster than normal."

"Don't forget all the marriage talks," Dream said. "We're like 12? What the hell?"

"I'm 13," George said.

"Point proven!" Dream said. "We're young, it's not like we're even allowed to get married yet anyway."

They both sighed.

"So..." George started, "any reason why you're sitting alone?"

Dream let out a heavy sigh, "I'm actually supposed to ride the train with Sapnap," he said. "He starts his first year today, but like he's a muggleborn, right? Mother won't allow me to hop on the train him, she says that it was enough that I was friends with him outside of school."

George huffed, "That sucks," he said. "Have you tried looking around for him? It's not like you're mother's gonna know."

Dream nodded, "I've tried, but this train is huge!"

George hummed, "Yeah, no," he said, standing up and grabbing their stuff from above. "We're looking for your friend."

"What?" Dream asked with a confused face. 

"I don't really get to go out much," George said. "My parents are very strict, so I know how lonely it gets. That's why were gonna lok for that friend of your's."

Dream grinned at him, "Let's go!"

The two ran around the train in search of Dream's friend. "What does he look like anyway?" George asked.

"He has a white bandana wrapped around his head," Dream said. "You won't miss him."

"...why?" George asked as he peaked through the windows of the compartments, trying to find said boy.

"Uhhh, will you believe that when I was younger I found it lying around in the park near my house and that's where I met him," Dream said, "he asked to have it and yeah, he wears it all the time now."

George chuckled, "I guess so?" He peaked into another compartment and found a lone black haired boy curled up against himself as he read a book silently. "Is this him?" George called out to Dream.

Dream took a look and grinned. He grabbed the door handle and slid it open, "SAPNAP!"

The first year jumped, but smiled when he saw who was at the door. "Dream! I though you weren't allowed to ride the train with me?"

"Oh, I'm still not," Dream said sitting across Sapnap. He patted the spot beside him and George sat down.

"Hi, I'm George." He held out a hand.

"Sapnap." The other boy shook George's hand.

From then, the three chatted among themselves and when the trolley witch came by, Dream and George bought the whole lot. "We're gonna hurt our stomachs at this rate," Sapnap said as he continued eating sweets, not heeding his own warning.

Soon enough the train let out a loud whistle, before halting on the Hogsmead Station. The three students perked up and began gathering their stuff before heading out of the train. The carriages were lined up and boats are in the water waiting for passengers. "I have to take the boats," Sapnap said, "See you guys later!" He waved before walking over to the boats. He asked to sit in one where there was a brown haired boy and another boy wearing a beanie.

Dream and George looked at each other and smiled.

"I'll see you around?" Dream asked with a hand raised as a goodbye as he walked towards the group of Slytherins.

"Yeah, see you around Dream," George said, waving back as he did the same.


This was more of a Dream and George meeting rather than Dream Team meeting because Dream and Sapnap are already friends before this whole train thing, so I decided to focus more on Dream and George because...title, lol.

Also, Drista is 10 years old in this part. Info list updated once again!

There's still one more part that I'd like to add in this multi-parter, so look out for that I guess. I hope you guys enjoyed! 

Thank you for reading! Comments and suggestions are appreciated.


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