"Hana must really like sleepovers." Taehyung mused.

"She's never actually had a proper one." Yoongi piped up, "In fact Hana always dreamed of having those girly sleep overs you see on television but unfortunately for her, she never had the chance to experience it even once in her childhood." Yoongi sighed.

"How come?" Jungkook asked.

"Well, As you know Hana and I basically grew up together. And through knowing her since young, she never seemed to get along with the girls. They always used to pick on her at school for never being free to play with them and even in high school she was too fixated on dance to ever befriend anyone." Yoongi sighed.

"That's why you and Hobi are so protective of her." Jin smiled at him.

Yoongi shrugged, "I guess so. She met Hobi when we joined the academy. The two were two peas in a pod when they first met and I got along well with him too." Yoongi smiled, "Hobi is very smart. He realized really quickly that Hana struggled with befriending people and her very naive character tends to attract bad company or people who want to take advantage of her. So he stepped in and looked after her during classes and school. Girls pick on her less now, well, besides that bitch Aera but she picks on everyone." Yoongi scoffs.

"Wow—" Jin nodded in understanding, "I get it now."

Jungkook was deep in thought, he never took Hana as someone who was vulnerable but he guessed it's because she was very focused in her craft she never had time for a social life. It made sense, because he was like that for a while too until he Taehyung and Taehyung introduced him to these boys.

"Man it must've been tough for Hana." Taehyung sighed deeply. As someone who depended on a social life, it was tough for him to imagine.

"Well'p we better get ready then. I wouldn't want to disappoint her first sleepover."  Namjoon chuckled getting up.

"I'll go prepare the popcorn then. Kook, why don't you choose a movie and Joon and Tae, why don't you help set up the mattresses and blankets?" Jin announced.

"I'll help them too." Yoongi got up and smiled to them.

Jungkook entered the room, hearing Hana sing to herself in the bathroom as she showered. He chuckled, she had a very sweet voice but of course shower singing wasn't actual singing. He used this time to rummage through his dvd collection in his drawers, deciding to look for a variety of films. They of course could just use Netflix or any other subscription platform but this was if they wanted something else that wasn't on a platform.

Not long after Hana emerged from the bathroom, all fresh and clean with a pair of long flannel PJs on. Jungkook glanced up at her and snickered.

She looked appalled from his sudden laugh at her, "what?" She looked down at her PJs and then back at him weirdly, "do you have a problem with my pajamas?"

Jungkook just chuckled and shook his head, "no, but I can tell you really like your food." He smirked at her. She wore pajamas that had pattern of jam on toast, pancakes, milk and butter.

She crossed her arms and pouted, "Food prints are always cute thank you very much! If you have a problem with my breakfast pajamas then don't look at them." She huffed. Realising he was looking through a drawer of many disks, she suddenly got interested.

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