06 🗡 Hair Ornament

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In his seventeen years of existence, Oreo thought he had seen a good amount of crazy, but nothing could be compared to the things he had experienced that day. His heart couldn't take any more surprises. Honestly, if he and a random child saw another being from the parallel world materialize before their eyes, he and that kid would cry together. Having Meili was already too much.

Leaning against the bedroom door with his arms across his chest, Oreo glanced at Ace and Meili who were having a conversation at the dining table. It was already dawn of Sunday, but his friend was still full of energy. Oh, he was so full of energy because of the nerd talk that he wanted to throw a brick at his face. That asshole. It was his fault in the first place, and he dragged him to this mess of no return.

Oreo brought his gaze back toward the body of Dana lying on the bed. Never in his life did he imagine that he would come across a soulless body. If he ever repeated any of his experiences today to anyone, that would probably earn him a golden ticket straight to the asylum.

He abruptly snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Dana's fingers moved. Surely, he was hallucinating because his brain was already half-dead from all the shocking things it had to endure. He blinked multiple times and stared at the short girl again.

When Dana opened her eyes, he was stupefied. He couldn't form any coherent words and just pointed at the bed while his other hand was wildly gesturing at Ace and Meili to come over. Seeing that the two were still preoccupied with their discussion, he swallowed hard and forced the words out of his mouth.

"Ace! Ace! Ace!"

"What is it this time?" his friend asked with disinterest.

"She's awake! Ace, she's awake!"


Ace and Meili hurried over, and the three of them crowded the bed, staring at Dana who was evidently still disoriented.

"W-who are you?" the girl mumbled groggily.

The three exchanged bewildered gazes, not knowing how to react.

Dana abruptly sat up and whispered, "I'm back." She then looked at her hands and body before darting her eyes around the room in shock.

"I'm back!" she exclaimed.

"Are you Dana?" Ace asked urgently.

"Yes, I am. Who are you?"

"Oh, my God! This is crazy! This is crazy!" Oreo yelled while holding his head with both hands, looking as though his mind was about to explode. "I can't handle this anymore!" he groaned and slumped on the floor with his back leaning against the wall.

"If you are back in your world, then why am I still here?" Meili asked in confusion.

Sensing that the two wouldn't be of any help, Ace took it upon himself to introduce themselves and to explain everything that happened thus far. Dana also recounted what happened to her ever since she was transported to the parallel world.

As they talked, they came into conclusion that one day in the modern world was around two weeks in Chun Empire, and two days in the modern world was worth about a month in the Chun Empire. The question they could not find an answer, though, was how Dana was able to get back to their world.

"If you possessed the body of my apprentice, what happened to the real Da Xia?" Meili inquired.

Dana's gaze was still unfocused, trying to gather her thoughts. It was mindboggling that she was talking to the villain written in the ancient book, but with what she experienced, facing the witch was not that surprising anymore.

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