26 | Percy

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Percy's POV

826 words

"Percy!" Abrax greeted, "Why are you back so soon?"

"Don't sound so disappointed," I jested.

"Simply surprised is all. How was the party?"

"Fine, fine. You should've been there."

Abrax's face contorted with an expression of slight indignation. "And serve them their nectar as they treat me with indifference or scorn?"

I looked down with a frown in slight shame and embarrassment. "I'm sorry. You're right. I didn't mean to upset you."

With a sigh, Abrax said, "No, it's not your fault. Thank you, though."

Wanting to change the mood, I acted a little more upbeat as I said, "I have a surprise for you."

"Oh?" was all he said. Abrax was clearly a little skeptical. A few of my former surprises were hilarious pranks, so that was valid.

"I hope you'll accept it. As an apology as much as a token of valor."

"You don't owe me an apology, Percy."

"Regardless... I, Perseus Jackson, Olympian god of... some stuff... thank you for your service, commend you for your actions, and honor you for your bravery. I bestow upon you the Laurel Wreath of Victory. Its gold will withstand the ages as will the memory of your deeds. Wear it with pride, my hero."

The ceremonial speech and formal procession of gifting the olive-crown were met with pure astonishment. I couldn't help but laugh at my friend's bewilderment.

"You look good with leaves in your hair, my friend," I said with a smirk.

Abrax snapped out of his stunned state and quipped back, "Not as lovely as those mermaid socks you have."

"Hey now," I replied in mock offense, "those socks were a gift."

"Maybe don't accept gifts from them anymore," Abrax laughed.

I easily joined in. When the laughter died down, I grew more serious. My eyes flickered with pride as I said, "But seriously, Abrax, you deserve that laurel. You did well."

Abrax returned the smile with one of his own to show his true appreciation. "Thank you."

"Great! Now can we go riding?" I pestered like the child I was.

"Sure. Oh, and before I forget, Shuri called your office. I'd tell you what she said, but I think you should listen for yourself," he explained with an amused half-smile.

I groaned and made my way to my office. I'd go riding some other time. Don't ask how, but they managed to connect a phone line in my palace so that invoices could go through. I pressed play and immediately heard the ramblings of my friend.

"Percy! I did it! I found out how to structure the Vibranium nanites in the solar panel so that both solar energy and kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy! The nanites build up the potential energy and repurpose it to electrical energy when needed! I have said the word energy way too many times in that sentence, but I know you won't understand it if I used the proper terminology. Actually, you might not have understood it just now. Anyway, it's a work in progress but I'm sending the detailed findings over to Tony Stark!
Also, can you believe it! T'Challa called me his little sister! Who is he calling little?! Maybe next time I won't include the 6-pack design on his suit!
And talk about a big mouth! His mouth is so big it could hold all of Wakanda. And yet, I think his ego would break his jaw.
And another thing..."

Yeah, Shuri went on for about another five minutes before telling me I was invited to a dinner party in a month. She said the formal invitation would be sent to my office.

After that, things went back to normal pretty quickly. Abrax kept me on schedule. Tony kept being Tony. Peter kept calling me Mr. Jackson. The Avengers did their superhero stuff. The demigods lived as peacefully as they could. And the mortals were blissfully unaware of everything.

Eventually, the SPP project was a success. Slowly, automobiles were converted to run off of Tony, Peter, and Shuri's car battery. AquaTech continued its advancements to bring accessible and safe drinking water to all. And Abrax started falling for a certain Maris Astérian Lady's Maid in training. I spent more of my free time with Alex, as promised, and he grew up to be quite the gentleman.

In the end, Earth bounced back better than before. Despite having had some tribulations, they were nothing the human race, and demigod race, couldn't handle. I, on the other hand, still seemed to attract trouble, even as a god. My life was nothing if not chaotic. But that's a story for another time.


By now, I hope, you understand just how crazy the life of an Olympian can be. There are many more stories to tell, but sometimes the ending is the most important part to hear. And the end of an Olympian is definitely an interesting story. Until then, enjoy some blue cookies!

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