8 | Percy

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Percy's POV

856 words

I was expecting to confirm the good news to Tony and Peter—the news I revealed in the conversation with my legal advisor. Natasha and Clint definitely would have picked up on the only audio I allowed to be heard through the bug they planted on me.

I was not expecting to be ambushed by the majority of the Avengers and Spider-Man. As soon as the elevator doors pinged open, I was hit by some webbing and pinned to the back of the elevator. Thank the gods Abrax wasn't here. He hates spiders, specifically walking through spiderwebs, almost as much as Annabeth did.

"Seriously, Peter? I haven't even stepped out of the elevator yet."

To prove my point, the elevator doors closed before any of the avengers could move and retrieve me. I could have tapped into my powers and found a way out, but I didn't want to reveal myself, especially with all the cameras around. When the elevator doors opened again on the Avengers' floor, I had a bored and slightly annoyed expression.

"Will one of you get me out of this stuff, please?"

Steve and Peter moved to help me. With some effort, they got me free.

"Peter! What the hell man?" I yelled at Spider-Man. No one questioned how I knew, but I think their minds were preoccupied.

"Sorry, Mr. Jackson! They told me to do it!"

I sighed and looked at Natasha. "Mind telling me what this is all about?"

She didn't react, but I saw a flash of worry in her eyes. It was so quick, I needed my godly senses to pick up on it.

"Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, went missing at 22:00 yesterday. He hasn't been seen or heard from since. The last person in contact with him was Peter. He went to share the recording you left us."

I nodded but was still confused.

"So... what?"

"We thought," Steve spoke up, "you could be of assistance."

"Please, Mr. Jackson," Peter had taken off his mask and looked to be panicked, "help us find Mr. Stark."

I looked at Thor who understood that I was now bound to the Ancient Laws in the ways I could help these heroes since Peter, who counted as a hero, explicitly asked me for help on a quest of sorts. I didn't know how I could help without revealing who I was. Thankfully, they didn't need my powers.

Bruce said, "You've got the best tracking software. Even better than Tony's. We were hoping you'd let us use it."

I gave a relieved sigh. My secret could stay secret and I could help them by mortal means.

I nodded in agreement. "Of course, but next time just ask instead of confronting me in the elevator."

I was suddenly tackled in a hug by Peter.

"Thank you, Mr. Jackson! Thank you!"

I gave a reassuring squeeze back before releasing.

"No problem, Peter. But maybe after this, you'll start calling me Percy?"

I saw Peter smile, but his lack of answer told me I wouldn't be so lucky.

We quickly went to Tony's computer lab where I pulled up my tracking software. It was nice being able to use technology without attracting monsters. Or even if I did, no monster would have the balls to attack me so soon after what happened in Tartarus. It made inventing and designing easier.

I could only work on things or invent things that manipulated water, but it was better than nothing. The advanced tracking software I had was thanks to Hephaestus. I helped him with some fountains and he gave me a top-notch security system that spanned all of New York. I think I got the better end of that deal.

We found the car he took and used security feeds to follow it to a 24/7 liquor store. I think he planned on giving me a nice scotch, but I don't drink. Not just because I appeared underage, but because I don't have the most pleasant experiences with alcohol. I just think it's better to keep a clear head.

Then I used my heat signature sensors around New York to follow his movements as three bodies dragged him into the back of a van. The license plate got us to an abandoned gas station where it was still parked. The Avengers, already suited up, raced to the helicopter pad. It wasn't long before they arrived at Tony's presumed location. I was running coms from the tower with Bruce.

"Alright, the schematics show an underground storage level. He's most likely in there. Take the back entrance in and the door to the basement should be on your left," Bruce instructed.

They did exactly that while Wanda and Vision remained as guards outside. The camera that Steve wore told us the place was empty. But then they went into the basement.

We saw Tony strapped to what looked like a dentist chair. He was slightly reclined, but he was still sitting up and his legs were slightly bent because of the chair's shape. The other part I saw was not expected.

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