23 | Alexander

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Alex's POV

1106 words

Ok. Everything was going fine. We were taking out the monsters one by one. Sage and I stuck by each other while Cleo was pushed further away, but we didn't worry too much. Cleo could handle herself just fine. Things were going ok. And then everything changed.

Out of nowhere, Natasha and Clint started attacking us! I saw Thor wasn't affected by whatever happened because he was battling it out with Captain America. And Tony was pursuing Cleo quickly followed by Peter. Bruce seemed to be conflicted with himself. Part of him wanted to hulk out but part of him didn't. It was strange.

I stood back to back with Sage as we turned monsters to dust and kept the Avengers at bay.

"What's going on?!" Sage shouted over the chaos.

"I don't know! I think they're being manipulated by something!"

"It's like they're being forced to see us as the enemy!"

"Well, we need to snap them out of it! Can you do your mind power thing?" I questioned.

"Dude. I can cure insanity. Not mind control them!"

"Well, they're acting pretty insane right now!" I argued. They just grunted in response.

Suddenly, Iron Man came barreling towards us. We both dove out of the way in the nick of time. That's when I noticed Thoon hovering over his stupid crystal ball. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but my gut told me he was behind the Avengers' sudden change of heart.

I called out to Sage, "Up there! The crystal ball!"

I wasn't sure if they followed my train of thought—hell, I'm not even sure what my thoughts were telling me—but I knew we needed to destroy it. Somehow it was controlling the mortals. It was a good thing Sage and I think alike because we both dashed towards the bane of the Fates. Iron Man was hot on our tails, but we wove in and out of the monsters so that his repulsor blasts hit them instead.

As we got closer to the ugly giant, we could hear him speaking into the orbuculum filled with colorful mist. Mist... Mist!

"It's the Mist, Sage! He's using the mist to control them! We need to break the crystal sphere. It's allowing Thoon to manipulate the Mist!"

"Damn, you're a genius!"

With renewed energy, we rushed up and tried to take the crystal ball away. Thoon blocked and parried all of our attacks. He wouldn't let us near it. We needed a different approach. The idea came flying at us.

I mean Iron Man was literally flying towards us with his left hand extended. I saw him charge up the repulsor and aim it at me. My mind worked on overdrive. In a matter of seconds, I had stood in front of Thoon who was distracted by Sage. I waited until the last second before ducking and rolling away from the blast. It hit Thoon instead and sent him flying a few feet away. It wasn't far, but it gave me and Sage enough of an opening.

At the same time, we thrust our weapons at the magical object filled with the Mist. Our swords went hilt deep. Fissures cracked throughout the glass. The battle continued around us, but I held my breath in anticipation. After what felt like a minute, but was probably only a couple of seconds, the glass globe exploded. The force threw everyone back a good ten feet. The Mist seeped out and dissipated into the air.

When sea and wine disperse the veil. Check. Now we just needed fifteen to prevail.

The Avengers shook their heads as they came out of the trance. They paused and looked around for a second before continuing the fight. This time, their weapons were trained on the monsters.

Around the same time, two jets flew in by our grounded one. On the largest jet were four other Avengers. Scarlet Witch, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, and Black Panther joined the fray. More mortals. At least they brought weapons that could help. Dr. Strange used his weird glowing-circles-hand-magic-thing to attack the creatures. Wanda could rip them apart or send objects flying their way with her powers. Ant-Man got hold of a taser and kept shrinking and enlarging to sneak up on the monsters and turn them to dust. And Black Panther's entire suit was embedded with Vibranium, so all his attacks were effective.

On the other jet was Abrax, coral sword in hand. If my math was correct, that made 15 of us against Thoon and his army. Maybe we did have a chance after all.

Abrax attacked some monsters as he strode up to Tony and Peter.

I was close enough to hear him say, "Percy wants you both to know that you should use the front entrance to his private facilities."

Why would he fly into a battlefield just to deliver a message? Was he crazy?!

Tony and Peter obviously thought the same thing because they just slowly nodded their heads before shrugging and turning their attention back to the monsters. Speaking of which, there weren't many left. Only a couple of dozen or so, a lot less than before.

Abrax made his way towards Thoon. I had to give him credit. He had guts to face the giant head-on. And without a god here to help no less.

"Thoon," he addressed in a calm, collected manner. How he seemed unafraid is beyond me. "Why are you doing this?"

"Why not?! There is only malice in my heart. I simply want to give everyone the worst possible fate they could have! Is that so wrong?" Thoon spat.

It was sad that he wasn't joking.

"Did you send those monster attacks at Camp Half-Blood?"

"Of course!"

"And you gathered forces to attack demigods?"

"Yes, yes, that was me!"

"And you claim it was you who has been attacking mortals?"

"Yes! Why are you asking these questions?! I take claim to everything! Now let's fight!"

I couldn't believe it, but I had the same question. Why was Abrax asking Thoon about all that? It's not like he was on trial or anything. But it didn't matter at the time. All that did matter was what happened next. And what happened next startled everyone, monsters and mortals alike. I was pretty sure it was a first in all of existence.

Before us stood fifteen gods in battle armor and determined faces. They were standing as a unified front. Poseidon and Dionysus flanked Hygea, and all the other gods staggered behind them. It truly was a sight to behold.

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