1 | Percy

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A/N: Thjs book is dedicated to golden_glorfi for inspiring the idea for this sequel! They have been extremely supportive of my writing. This story couldn't have happened without them.
I always appreciate comments that correct my grammar, fix my spelling, or introduce a new idea for the story from anyone who takes the time to read and enjoy it. Without further ado, let the story begin!

Percy's POV

1140 words

Many of you know the story of how I became an Olympian, but few know of my life as one. I've lived a decently long life so far, but I'll share with you the most memorable part of it. This is just one of the many crazy things that can happen in the life of an Olympian.


Abrax Mateus, my chamberlain, and I spent a lot of time together. We traveled the world and explored the different cultures it had to offer. Meanwhile, America was being rebuilt by large corporations, the most influential of which was Stark Enterprises. They made a revolutionary, renewable, reliable energy source. Stark shared the power with the people and soon enough all of America was run on his eco-friendly power.

I had been helping to rebuild and improve all three camps over the years. It'd only been four years since the invasion but a lot had progressed. I was especially impressed with a group of mortal heroes, the ones that worked with Thor. They seemed to be doing many philanthropic activities and had won over the people's hearts. 

Thor and Loki told me a lot about their mortal friends. Loki explained how he was just barely forgiven for his crimes. He promised he was working to redeem himself. I knew it was hard for Loki to admit when he was wrong and even harder for him to amend his wrongs. But he seemed to be fairing well enough.

My new kingdom, on the other hand, was doing more than well enough. It was thriving, prospering. I set up a democratic counsel and a fair court system and provided as much aid as I could to build infrastructure that would connect the cities and towns and villages and farmlands under my rule. They quickly gained wealth from trading between themselves and Atlantis. For the most part, they were self-sufficient. I only needed to pass laws or draft a few, but otherwise, I wasn't too involved in their government. I was still their King, but I tried to be more of a benevolent figurehead than a ruling monarch.

Abrax assured me my palace was running smoothly, undoubtedly with the help of Mr. Anwar, my butler. With everything under control, I ventured out into the mortal world once more. Hermes and Apollo thought I was looking for a lover, but it was too soon to move on from Annabeth. I was only twenty-one, but I never liked being much older than the campers I interacted with, so unless I was at a council meeting, I was in my 17-year-old form.

It stirred up quite the controversy when a 17-year-old was suddenly the owner of a major water company, AquaTech. I used my powers and mortal wealth (thank you Lotus Casino cards! I may or may not have misplaced it until recently) to try and provide clean water for all under the guise of a made-up business. Well, it's a real business that kinda just appeared one day. The Mist helped a lot.

I also had lots of help on this project from a certain 16-year-old Wakanda princess. Just don't tell her I called her a princess. Shuri was heavily invested in my endeavor. She thought I was just a wealthy mortal trying to do good until I helped put out a village fire with my powers. After that, I told her about myself and we were best friends ever since. Not that she was only friends with me because of my powers. But she realized that I was helping even when I didn't have to and not because I wanted fame or fortune. Abrax posed as my assistant through all of this—the Mist making him appear as a regular human. He did a fantastic job helping me run my mortal company and my immortal realm.

This brings us to Tony Stark's Charity Ball. I was dressed in an impressive tuxedo with a sea-green bow tie, pocket square, and cuff links. Abrax was in a similar suit but with pearl blue accessories.

I mingled around a bit, talking to investors and inventors alike. When the Avengers made their appearance, Tony introduced us to each other.

"This here is the famous upstart, Perseus Jackson. Only seventeen and he's done more good than most adults do in their entire lives. Perseus, meet the Avengers."

Tony was definitely putting on a show. And I knew why too. I had an infinite amount of money—the mortals would think that to be a hyperbole—and he wanted an investor for his solar-powered car startup. A lot of people were interested, but not for the reasons Tony wanted. Everyone else was trying to steal his work, but Thor had mentioned me as a potential shareholder, which brings us back to what was happening.

"Nice to meet you," I said as I shook their hands. Thor was beaming his brilliant smile. He'd wanted to introduce me for a while, but I kept saying no. I didn't want all the press they got. Even the Mist would have a hard time obscuring all my accidental slip-ups.

"Perseus here has been working with our dear friend Shuri from Wakanda on his Universal Water project. AquaTech has advanced far on technological inventions that purify and distribute water. His structural designs are works of art too."

"You flatter me, Tony," I said with a grin, which contradicted my accusatory undertone.

Tony tried to deflect it with a charming smile and a forced laugh. "There's a lot to flatter, my friend."

"Oh, we're friends now?" I cut in. Thor was trying hard not to laugh. He knew I was only pulling Tony's strings. Harmless banter before I closed the deal and funded the whole damn thing. I wouldn't be surprised if I funded a whole dam thing either.

"I'd like to think so. We could do great things together." He sounded so much like Voldemort trying to tempt Harry to the dark side that I almost cracked a smile. Almost.

"Tony, let's save your friends from this meaningless conversation. I'll make you a deal."

"Now we're talking!" Tony exclaimed excitedly.

I just smirked. "If you or any of the Avengers, except for Thor, can somehow dump a glass of water on my head before midnight, I'll fund your entire startup. No ownership. No royalty. No interest. That gives you four hours. Deal?"

Tony's jaw dropped. The rest of the Avengers had a twinkle of mischief in their eyes. Thor was holding his hand over his mouth to stop more oncoming laughter. None of the Avengers would back away from a seemingly simple challenge and Tony would never pass over this opportunity.

"Deal!" They all shouted.

I smiled back and walked away, waiting for their first attack.

The Life of an OlympianOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant