"Mommy!" Carter launched up on the bed and curled into me with a fit of giggles,

"Oh no! Is Daddy tryna get you" I gasped, wrapping my arms around the boy as Luke dramatically made his way to us,

"Oh no!" Carter giggled as Luke inched closer,

"Rawr" Luke jumped on the bed, his arms going around Carter and me, holding us to him.

"Ahh! He got us Carter!" I fake yelled.

Carter maneuvered his way out to where Luke was holding me while we laid on our backs. Carter stood on the bed, doing his monster pose and walking to us,

"Uh oh," Luke hugged me then Carter jumped on us,

"Gots you" he giggled, but was interrupted by the door being knocked on.

Luke got up off the bed and looked through the peephole,

"Carter come here" he whispered. Carter hopped up and ran to his dad. Luke put him behind the wall,

"Scare Uncle Cal" Luke turned back to the door and opened it,

"You guys ready to- OH SHIT" Calum jumped when Carter jumped out with a 'rawr'. As soon as Calum screamed, Carter busted out laughing. Calum laughed then picked Carter up and put him on the second bed and started tickling him relentlessly.

Calum finally let up and Carter hopped up,

"You guys ready to go" Calum fixed his clothes. I nodded and got up, grabbing Carter's diaper bag and pulling it on. Calum picked Carter up and put him on his shoulders as we made our way to the lobby.


After dinner and Top Golf, we went back to the hotel. Carter was already asleep so we got him tucked in. Luke and I quickly got changed and climbed into the opposite bed,

"Goodnight" Luke whispered, pecking my lips,

"Goodnight" I whispered back

< next day >

{ Luke }

"Let's get your bed set up buddy" I led Carter back to the bunks. We just got the bus and we're getting everything on and ready before the show. I knelt down on the floor to the bottom bunk,

"You're going to sleep here. Me and Mommy will be right here" I told him while patting the bunk opposite and one up his. Carter nodded and I tossed his pillow in. I got his blankets and comforter set up then put his blankie and giraffe in,

"Lay down" I motioned. Carter smiled and crawled in, "Cool huh?"

He nodded and crawled out looking at the other bunks,

"Unca Ash sweep?" he asked looking around,

"Right here" I patted the bunk above his. He nodded and I pointed to both Michael's and Calum's.

"Time go nigh night?" Carter asked as I picked him up and carried him back to the venue,

"Not yet Car Car" I laughed as we walked along the fence, seeing some fans rush over. Carter gripped my shirt but he didn't seem too scared so I stopped,

"Hey guys!" I smiled brightly,

"Sorry, I hope we aren't bothering" one girl spoke,

"It's all good! All I ask is no pictures please" I nodded,

"Of course!" she nodded and I watched all of them put their phones away.

We talked to them all for a while. They had Carter blushing as they said how cute he was, but I had to excuse us because I did have a show to do.


I flew off the stage with so much energy. The show was great.

I jumped down the stairs where Taylor and Carter were waiting. Carter was already in his pjs but still had a big smile on his face,

"You were great" Taylor smiled and pecked my lips. I kissed Carter's head but had to tell him I couldn't hold him. I was all sweaty.

With a quick shower and a quick song with The Chainsmoker's, we all headed back to the bus. The others waited around in the front area while Taylor and I went to put Carter to bed,

"Do you want the iPad?" Taylor asked him,

"Toy Stowy" he told us. Taylor laughed and got that pulled up. He'd be asleep before the movie ended anyway,

"Gets some sleep buddy" I kissed his head then propped the iPad up so he didn't have to hold it,

"Love you baby boy" Taylor leaned in and kissed him,

"Wove you Mommy. Wove you Daddy"

"Love you too little man. We're right up front if you need us" I told him. He nodded and Taylor and I made our way to the front, grabbing beers and sitting with the others,

"To the first show" Ashton raised his,

"First show!"

Kept From You // L.H (completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora