Into the Deep

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The girls had started swimming farther down. They didn't know where they were going, but they felt like something was pulling them. They also had some help from the current every now and then. They got pretty deep when Caroline turned her head towards the right and saw an ocean blue light pretty far in the distance.

"Guys look!" She called. She didn't know she could talk underwater, it was a funny noise. It echoed through the water like it would in a cave. 

The girls turned towards her. "You can talk underwater?" Hayley asked surprised. 

"You can too! So can I!" Davina exclaimed. 

"I think we all can, that was part of the whole 'upgrade' things the crystals told us about," Rebekah said. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," Katherine said. 

"Guys come on!" Caroline said as she speed swam towards the light.

The rest of the girls followed after her. They all stopped. There was some sort of electric field, it looked like the waterfall from the Moon Pool. Except it glowed like the crystals. Davina tried to use her power on it, but it didn't work. 

Everyone else tried their power individually. Nothing happened. 

"Maybe we should try all of our powers at once," Freya suggested. 

They nodded and everyone started using their power on the glowing water-field. Then the field opened and sucked them in. They looked at the sight before them. 

"Is this Atlantis?" Katherine said, in awe of what she was seeing. 

(NOTE: This art does not belong to me, I would credit the artist but I couldn't find them

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(NOTE: This art does not belong to me, I would credit the artist but I couldn't find them. Their signature is on the bottom corner right over here but that's all I have.)

"Maybe." Said Hayley. All the other girls were in awe as they took in the city around them. 

Someone swam up to them. She had blue eyes, blonde hair, and a tail like theirs. 

"Hi! I'm Bella. I'm here to bring you to the castle!" She said. 

"That castle? Why?" Rebekah asked. 

"We've been waiting for you! Lorelei especially." Bella responded. 

So Bella led them to the castle. They swam up to a large room filled with many seats. It looked like a meeting room. 

(Again, this does not belong to me but I can't find the artist)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(Again, this does not belong to me but I can't find the artist)

In one chair, sat an elder mermaid. She looked down at them and gave them a warm smile. *She looks like Ms.Chatham from h20*

"Hello, I am Lorelei. I have been expecting you." She said. 

On each of her sides were two other elderly mermaids.

 "These are my friends Julia and Gracie." Lorelei continued. The two other elders waved at the mention of their names. 

"Why were we called here?" Katherine asked. 

Lorelei looked at her. "You are here because I chose you to come."

"But why?" Katherine asked. 

"Excuse my friend here, she doesn't really have manners," Caroline said. "But we would like to know why you chose us."

Lorelei, Julia, and Gracie smiled. 

"We chose you because the circle of 6 has to be completed. Yet, it can only be completed by halflings. Such as yourselves!" Gracie said. 

"Halflings?" Hayley asked. 

"Yes dear, Halflings. Those who are descended from mermaid and human blood. We waited a long time for the 6 of you, some of you were born before us though." Julia said, looking at Katherine, Freya, and Rebekah. 

"Wait, so we are all from mermaid and human ancestors?" Davina asked. 

"Yes, but the reason you were never able to turn into a mermaid before your first encounter with the Moon Pool, is because you hadn't activated your magic yet," Lorelei said. 

The girls all nodded. 

"It was no coincidence that you all already knew each other, that was planned by the fates, a strong connection between the 6 brings a peace to the realms." Lorelei continued. 

"The realms?"Freya asked. 

"The 3 realms. The one above, Terra. This one, Aqua. And the last, Obscura." Gracie said. 

"What's Obscura?" Rebekah asked. 

"The dark realm, with witches, warlocks, vampires, werewolves, and ghosts." Julia shuddered. "You are all very familiar with that realm."

"I didn't know those were realms," Davina said. 

"They were once, all separate. Aqua had a whole realm to itself, Terra had another, and Obscura had the last. " Gracie said.

"What happened?" Hayley asked. 

"A witch with dark magic, a long time ago, fused the three realms together by accident. You may know of her. She was," Lorelei paused to look around, before whispering, "Quetsiyah."

"We do know of her, she was killed for good a while ago," Carline said. 

"Good, good. A balance has been brought to the realm because of her death, but it will not last long, when the Terra realm discovers the existence of Obscura and Aqua, they will surely disturb the peace." Lorelei said. 

"We have to fix it, don't we?" Katherine said. 

"Yes, you do.  You must restore our worlds to their original realms, this realm cannot hold all the magic much longer. If the realms cannot be returned, this one will tear itself apart until there is nothing left to put back," Lorelei said. 

"So we have to tear all three realms apart and put them back?" Rebekah asked. 

"Not really, you will only have to tear two away, we are already in the realm of Obscura. You just have to take away the Terra and Aqua realms." Julia said. 

"Won't it feel weird going between realms?" Hayley asked. 

"No, we will not feel it, we will simply feel a change in the tide and the Terras will feel a slight breeze," Gracie said. 

"So, will you do it?" Lorelei asked.

The girls looked between each other, their crystals lit up. 

"What do you say, ladies?" Rebekah smiled, "Do you wanna save the three realms with me?"

Everyone nodded and smiled. Hayley smiled, "Let's do it. How hard can it be?"


A/N: Oooh it's getting real. We bout to save some realms here people! Thank you all for reading! I will probably update sometime tomorrow or later today depending on how much time I get to write! <3

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