The Newest Mermaid

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On the next full moon

The 5 mermaids plus Caroline were all gathered around the Moon Pool in Mystic Falls. They accidentally found an above-ground entrance. Thanks to Caroline.

"Get in. The moon is almost at its apex." Davina instructed.

"Finally! We've been here forever!" Caroline said.

"Well if we want to avoid being Moonstruck we have to stay where we can't see the moon. For now," Rebekah said.

'Moonstruck' was the term they had agreed upon for when they are affected by the Full Moon. So Caroline walked up to the pool and got in. She looked up and saw the moon over the opening above her. The water started to bubble and she started to freak out.

"Is this supposed to be happening?" She asked the other 5.

"Yeah, everything is happening just like last time," Hayley assured her.

Caroline nodded. She looked back up at the moon. It passed over the opening. The water stopped bubbling. She got out of the pool.
"That's it?" She asked.

"That's it," Freya confirmed.

"After about 12 hours, you'll grow a tail anytime you touch water," Katherine added. "Be prepared."


About 12 hours later

Caroline hadn't kept track of the time. She didn't remember when they went to the Moon Pool. When they got back to the Salvatore Mansion, Elena was glaring daggers at her. So, she went up to her room and messed around on her phone for a few hours, then she went to sleep.

It was about 8 am now. She woke up. She couldn't sleep. She just felt super awake. So she went to get some water. Usually, she'd get blood but right now she wanted water. So, she went down the stairs to the kitchen. She got a cup and went to the sink.  She turned the handle and went to fill the cup when she realized it was already full.

"What the hell?" She wondered out loud. How was the cup full? She had just turned the handle.

"Is that my power? Water...generation or whatever?" She said.

She turned towards a vase. It was a little low on water. She balled her hand up into a fist and turned it. The vase began filling with water. She un-balled her hand, stopped moving it and the water stopped.

"Sweet!" She whisper-yelled. "I can make water!"

"You can what now?" Damon asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Oh, hey," She said.

"No really what did you say I didn't hear you. Also thanks for refilling the vase." He said.

"Oh, nothing. Also, you're welcome." She smiled.


Caroline knocked on the door of the hotel the Mikaelsons and friends were staying at. Hayley opened the door.

"Hey," She said.

"Hey, guess what?" Caroline replied excitedly.

"What?" Hayley replied.

"I found my power!" Caroline whisper-yelled. They were out in the open after all, you can't just yell about magic in front of normal people.

Hayley ushered her inside. "Really? Already?"

"Yes already, I'll show you," Caroline said as she skipped into the kitchen. Hayley trailed behind her. Hayley watched as Caroline went up to an empty cup. Caroling balled up her fist and turned it. The glass started filling up. She put her hand back down and it stopped.

Hayley went over to the cup and picked it up. "You can make water out of thin air? Sweet!"

"That's what I said!" Caroline replied.

Klaus walked in. Neither of the girls realized he was there. He watched as they both excitedly talked about something.

"Wait you don't know about our powers, do you? You saw Davina's right?" Hayley questioned.

"Yeah, I only saw Davina. She heats up things right?"Caroline asked.

"Yeah, um Davina heats up things, Beks can freeze stuff, Freya turns stuff to a weird jelly, Katherine solidifies water into a weird glass-like substance but it feels weird, and I can move water," Hayley explained.

"Nice," Caroline replied.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool," Hayley smiled.

Klaus cleared his throat. Both girls turned to face him. He was half-smiling at them.

"I see you two are getting along fine." He stated.

Hayley and Caroline nodded. They looked at each other. Klaus looked in between them, wondering what that look was for.

"I'm just going to get some water." He said. "Who messed with my cup?"

Hayley looked away. Caroline pretended to itch her arm.

He walked up to Caroline. She looked up at him. She smiled innocently. He lowered his face closer to hers.

"Do I need to give you some privacy?" Hayley said, smirking.

Klaus had forgotten she was there. He pulled his head back and sighed, "No Hayley, you can stay."

She rolled her eyes even though she was smiling. Caroline didn't know what just happened, but she didn't dislike it.

Back at the Salvatore Mansion
Caroline was messing around with her power. She kept refilling peoples cups and she found out she could do it with any liquid.

Damon was freaking out. He did not like it. Caroline tried to refill his blood bag. She was pleasantly surprised when it worked. Although it felt weird, it had a different feeling than water.

"Why did my blood bag refill??!!!" Damon yelled, dropping the bag.

Bonnie looked at Caroline. Caroline looked at Bonnie. They smiled. Then they laughed out loud.

Caroline had told Bonnie about her power. The other people in the house didn't know about it. They knew she was a mermaid now, but they didn't know she had a power yet.

Caroline decided to take a bath. She hadn't gotten wet all day and she wanted to see her tail. She got in the bath and she felt kind of weird. Then her tail appeared.

A/N: The next part will be out soon, I swear! <3

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A/N: The next part will be out soon, I swear! <3

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