So, what happened?

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Back at the beach house

Rebekah and Davina finally fell asleep. 

"Well, that was weird.", Klaus said. Breaking the silence.

"You can say that again," Kol said. 


Hayley was taking a bath. She hadn't in a while. She had gone swimming but that was different. She still didn't think anyone wanted her there. She wasn't really part of their family. Marcel and Davina were, to a point. Hayley didn't even remember how she'd gotten involved with them.  She didn't really remember what had happened on the island either. 

Freya was sitting down in the kitchen. She couldn't seem to remember what happened on the island. She remembered going on the island, then the moon pool. That was about it. 

Hayley remembered staying on the island for 2 weeks clear as day. Yet when she tried to remember the most recent events, she only remembered hearing the others on the island, then the moon pool. Everything else was gone. 


In the morning 

Rebekah and Davina woke up. 

"It's noon already?", Rebekah said. 

"Yep, we were going to start arranging the funeral!", Kol said. 

Davina laughed and threw a pillow at him. He laughed too. 

By now, Hayley and Freya didn't remember anything from last night. Rebekah and Davina didn't either.

Hayley woke up in her bed. She walked out into the living room. 

"How did I get back here?", She asked.

"You're back? When did you get back here?", Davina said. 

Kol looked between the three girls. "Do you remember anything from last night?"

"Yeah, I went to the window, and I looked up at the moon and....and...then I woke up here," Davina replied. 

Kol called out to the others, "Uh, Klaus? Elijah? Marcellus? I need some help here!"

The guys came in one at a time. Marcel first, then Klaus, and lastly Elijah. 

"What now Kol?" Marcel asked. 

"Rebekah, what do you remember from last night?", Kol asked. 

Rebekah looked at him, "What kind of question is that? I was in here, Davina was acting weird, I saw the moon woke up."

Davina looked at her, "That's what I said, Rebekah. Wait, I was acting weird? When?"

Klaus stopped them, "So you two don't remember anything from last night?"

Hayley interrupted, "Hello? Is anyone going to tell me how I got back here?"

Freya walked into the room, "Hayley? When did you get back here?"

Klaus laughed, "You all are playing some game, it's not funny and you're overdoing it. You know what happened last night, stop pretending you don't."

"Can someone please explain to me what happened last night?", Davina asked.

Marcel started, "You started acting weird, and then we all went to Mako-"

Freya laughed, "We didn't go to Mako! We walked out of the house to follow Davina and Rebekah and then we....well I don't know. I woke up after that."

Now it was Rebekah who laughed, "We didn't go anywhere, Davina was acting weird-"

"SHUT UP!", Klaus yelled. Everyone stopped talking and looked at him. He then explained the previous night's events to the girls. Leaving out the part where he caught Elijah and Hayley kissing. 

"So, you found your power Davina?", Rebekah asked. 

"I guess so...", Davina replied. 

Freya laughed, "You guys got all the cool powers, I just turn things to jelly."

"Wait you guys are getting powers?", Hayley asked. 

"Yeah, I freeze things, Davina heats things up, and Freya jelly-fies things."

"So I just don't have one then," Hayley said, now she felt even more disconnected from everyone. 

"Maybe you just haven't figured it out yet," Davina said, she could tell Hayley was a bit upset. 

Hayley nodded, "Maybe."

Elijah wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. She didn't remember their kiss, Klaus didn't tell her about it, and what if she only kissed him because she was under the same spell as the others were? Elijah sighed and walked out of the room. Klaus watched his brother go. He felt bad for him, he knew Elijah had always liked Hayley, now she doesn't even remember their moment. 

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