That's not weird at all...

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On Mako

Davina was skipping around the island, seemingly happy with what she was seeing. On the other hand, Rebekah was complaining because it was hot, humid, and there were spiders everywhere. Hayley was a bit grossed out, and she was getting hot, but she wasn't complaining. Freya was trying to keep up with Davina. 

"Why did I agree to this? It's humid out here.", Rebekah complained. 

"I'm starting to regret asking you to come. You're messing with my vibes!" Davina said back. 

Then they approached a small waterfall. It was easy to jump over for Rebekah and Hayley, then Freya did it easily as well. Davina stood on the edge. Freya looked up at her, "Come on Davina, we don't have all day." They started walking away. 
Davina didn't respond. 

"Davina?" Freya turned around this time. Davina looked up at her, "You guys keep going, I'll just find a different w-AHHHHHH"

Davina screamed when she fell down through the hole. She heard the three others yelling her name. Then they found the hole where she went down. Hayley slipped and slid down as well. Then came Freya. Davina looked at them as if they were crazy.

 "Guys, what are you doing down here? Don't you know not to slide down random holes?"

"I slipped!" Hayley and Freya said, in unison. 

Rebekah called down to them, " I'll try to find a rope or a vine or someth-EEEEEEEE!! oof"

Hayley looked over at Rebekah, "Way to go, now we're stuck down here."

Rebekah snapped back, "It's not my fault you both were too clumsy! And you fell down here first!"

Hayley dramatically sighed and said, "You were our last hope! Now we'll just have to eat each other!"

Davina looked petrified, she knew she wouldn't outlast an original vampire, a hybrid, and a witch. Hayley noticed and said, "Hey calm down, it was just a joke."
Freya called out to them, "Guys! I think I found a way out!"

They all got up and followed Freya through the door-sized hole that lead to a strange pool. They were in a volcano, not active of course. 

"Whoa.." Hayley said. 

Davina just stood there with her mouth gaping. Rebekah, even though she didn't want to admit it, was also amazed by this strange pool. 

 Freya broke the silence, "I can tell that this pool leads out into the ocean, so we should be able to swim out easily." Then, without warning, she dove in headfirst and swam out. They waited, then about a minute or so later Freya came back through and said, "Yep, it's only about a 20-second swim, come on."

Rebekah stepped in, "This outfit is going to be ruined by the time we swim back to shore."

Hayley also stepped in, "This water is beautiful.."

The three girls were in the pool and they looked back to Davina. 
"Come on Davina, we'll help you," Hayley said. 

Davina reluctantly stepped in, she immediately went under, so Hayley and Rebekah had to pull her back up. 

"Thanks. I can't wait to- what's happening?" Davina said, shocked at what she was seeing.

The other three girls shared the same expression as the water around them began to bubble. Then, they all looked up at the full moon that sat directly above the opening of the volcano. Then it passed, the water stopped bubbling, almost as if nothing had happened. 

They all shared a look, "Well, that wasn't weird at all..." Hayley said. 

Then they swam out of the pool. 

A/N: This one was even longer but I hope it was worth it. Thanks for reading! <3

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