Chapter 1

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[Isa's P.O.V.]

'Rain dribbled down the window, It was the middle of April and it was

the rainy season. Even though it was raining, my cousin and best friend Kat decided to introduce some more of her friends. I don't really care about her friends, but it's nice that she's thinking of me knowing that I don't have a lot of friends. Usually, people fear me because of my second gender, so instead, I bite back my pride on telling anyone that my second gender is an alpha. When morning comes tomorrow, I'll just ignore the new Bach of people she's introducing to me. Besides I don't need people or a so-called "mate" to get through this life.' I thought to myself as I laid down in my bed staring at the ceiling. When I came to my own conclusion I turned over to face the window and fell asleep with the comfort of the moon.

When morning came, I was woken up by a smaller and somewhat

plump omega jumping on my bed waking me up.

"Isa get up! Today is the day you get new friends! Today is the day that

yours truly introduces some new people for you to meet," Kat says happily. I look up at her from my bed and growl a bit not wanting to get up. She ignores my growling warning and continues to jump on my bed, until I sit up growling. She laughs ruffling my bed head before getting off the bed and walking out.

"Hurry up Isa! They'll be here in a minute," Kat says as she walks out of

the room. I scowl at my bedding and let out another low growl before getting up and stretch. Once up, I walk to my closet and pull out some black and maybe some edgy shit to scare off the people Kat's making me meet. 'Less people, less problems' I thought as I walked to the kitchen Kat and I are sharing. I grab some cereal and start to eat when Kat comes skipping into the kitchen. She grabs a chair and sits next to me.

"Ready to have some fun today?" She asks excitedly. I roll my eyes.

"Oh yeah! Super excited," I responded sarcastically. She giggles.

"Aw c'mon don't be like that, it'll be fun. Besides these people are really

fun to be with," she says. I nod a bit more sarcastic.

"Oh yeah, so much fun, just like those other times before. Accidents

everywhere," I start, "besides, I told you, I don't need anyone in my life to make me happy but me," I respond, thinking about those other times where things kept going wrong. Where her little omega friends found out about my second gender and either feared or went into heat and I had to run away for the fear that I might've done something I couldn't take back. I stand up and start to clean up my breakfast.

"Yeah, some of those other times were kinda bad, but don't worry this

time it will be different, I can just feel it," she says looking confident. I smell the air making sure she's not lying, but her overconfident pheromones cover-up that scent so I can't tell. I click my tongue as I think to myself, wondering how this girl didn't pass the test on becoming at least a beta due to so much confidence. I shake away my thoughts and go sit on the couch and pull out my phone as I wait for the "guests" to arrive. Kat giggles and sits next to me as we start playing video games. After one round of playing video games, we were gonna do another round but the doorbell rang. I growled as Kat jumped up happily to answer the door, while I stayed on the couch playing video games. I hide any lingering dominant pheromone so the "guests" won't know what I am. Kat greeted the "guests" as she let them in, there were 3 people that entered the room. Right when they entered the room, new scents filled the air. I looked over to find two females and one male. I try not to growl as I look at them. I quickly looked away and back down at my phone.

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