Chapter 1

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Before we start I really wanna thank again my friend Korrasami_shipper she made this amazing cover and I just can't thank her enough, please make sure to check out her profile she's super talented.

Korra's pov

"Asami where are you?!" there was smoke everywhere

"Bolin!? Mako!?" I was walking around the place with an air bubble around my head so I won't suffocate, we got separated during the explosion, I was with Asami in her office, she said she needed some help testing some new material, she needed to know how much it will take of all the elements before it will break. Later in her office, we were just talking but all of a sudden we heard screams so we ran out and there was smoke everywhere. Asami called Lin and Mako and Bolin got here to help us ut then there was an explosion and we got separated.

"Anyone?!" I screamed

"Korra!" I heard in the distance

"hang on! I'm coming!" I screamed and ran to that direction, I saw Asami, trying to help some of her employees that got hurt during the explosion. I quickly bent the air bubble for them too.

"We need to get them out of here now, did you see Mako or Bolin?" I said while helping one of the injured man up

"Yeah they are outside helping other people" I nodded in response and we made our way out.

When we got outside of the building, we saw Mako and Bolin helping the injured people. I sat down the man I carried on my back and so did Asami, then I bet the air bubbles away.

"What happened? Why did someone attacked?" I asked

"I have some new blueprints in progress I think that was their main motive," Asami said and sighed

"There's 8 people, how many of them were in the building?" I quickly asked

"10 in total with us too," Asami said

"good so everyone is out"

"Look!" Bolin out of nowhere shouted and we saw a group of people behind the corner of the street running away

"that's them! Come on! Bolin, you stay with the injured people we'll get them" I said and I started running to their direction. Not long after, Asami caught up on me with Mako in her Satomobile

"hop in!" she yelled and I air bent myself in, we were chasing them, they got in a car and drove away

"come on faster!" Mako said

"I'm going as fast as I can!" Asami yelled

"try getting me closer please, I have an idea" I said, I used some earth bending to shape a sharp bit and I shot it on the other car's wheels and they broke so the other car slowed down. We were now closer I stood up and climbed on the hood

"Woah what the hell are you doing sit down!" Mako yelled but I didn't listen, Asami instead got me even closer to the other car and I jumped on it, there were 4 people in it and we were fighting, the driver wasn't paying attention on the road but on me so he was about to hit the close lamp I quickly jumped off and I landed on the ground. Asami hit the break and I ran towards the robbers, one of them held the blueprints, the other one some kind of weapon, the rest of the group was just sitting in the car, they gave up. I ran after them but all of a sudden, one of them turned around and fired with the weapon at me, it happened so fast I didn't even get to react as a dart hit my shoulder and I fell on the ground

"Korra!" I heard Asami scream, I stood up and I was about to run after them again but I met the ground again, I tried to bent the earth wall to stop them but nothing happened

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