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TRIGGER WARNING: abuse (obviously)

(Y/n)'s POV

I stood in a room not much larger than mine that was white with navy blue stripes across the walls and the ceiling had a gold chandelier hanging from it. The room had a nice sailor theme to it, with a ship in a bottle on the bookshelf and the steering wheel of a ship hanging on the wall; acting as a clock.

"I remember watching the lasuli's play in the sea and sail their boats, laughing and cheering eachother on." I heard a familiar voice say.

Zach was sitting on the edge of the
Bed, staring at the floor.

If he's here, then this is a dream

"I told yellow 'I wanna be a lasuli when I'm older!' and she just laughed at me and said 'You can't be a lasuli, you're a diamond!'" He continued.

I sat on the bed and asked him
"Where are we and what happened today?"

"My old room, now you understand why its sailor themed," He told me, shrugging.

We both were silent for a while until I spoke again:

"And my other question?" I asked quietly.

"This is where it first happened" Zach murmured.

Before I could ask what, a younger Steven burst into the room and shut his door. He locked it, then unfused it to reveal a younger zach; they both looked about 8 or so, one with big brown eyes and the other with magenta eyes that sparkled like the glistening sea.

Younger Steven slapped Zach and pushed him over, Zach bursting into tears whilst Steven only stared, his eyes blazing with hatred.

"Arrgh, I hate you! Because of you I'll never get want!" Steven yelled.

"What do you mean! Why do you hate me!" Zach said, hurt and shaking in the corner of his room.

That only made Steven angrier. He picked up a set of small, porcelain boats and began to throw them at the young diamond.

"I'll never be a lasuli! I'll never be normal! I'll never get out of this stupid palace! And I'll NEVER! HAVE! A MOM!" Steven shouted, throwing the last ship at Zach's gem. The small boat was thrown with such momentum that as soon as it hit its target, it immediately smashed against it. Zach cried out in pain as the porcelain shards scratched at his gem.

Steven huffed and walked over to Zach, making him flinch and scoot further into the corner.
"Let's fuse" Steven demanded.

"No! I don't wanna!" Zach yelled, shaking his head.


Zach disappeared and a small glow came from under Steven's shirt on his naval.

So it is a forced fusion.

"Ah, that's better. Now, you need a name don't you?" Steven giggled.

I guess

We could hear Zach talking from in Steven's head, he sounded weak and scared.

"Maybe Tony, or Steven but with a ph instead of v! Or-" He was cut of by the voice inside his head

I like the name, Zach.

"Well then Zach, I can't have anyone finding you out, can I? After all, I'm the son of Pink diamond! It would be a total mess if someone were to find he is a fusion! So from now on, you won't speak, you won't ever leave our fusion, you won't use telepathy and lastly, when you are in this gorgeous fusion of ours; which will be all the time, you will have no control"
Steven hissed before he left the room.

🌺 A Hybrid's Hierarchy🌺 (Steven x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now