Ninth (Part 1)

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I still couldn't believe what happened earlier, Jennie literally became possessive and maybe even slightly jealous.

Nayeon and I are totally just friends, we're not dating or such, we even don't have feelings for each other.

But why did Jennie react that way?

Maybe I'm just overthinking.

"Lisa! Is it true that you and Jennie are married?!" Seulgi shook my shoulders, Jisoo ruffled my hair and jumped us three up and down.

These two are such nosy people, even celebrating this stupid game in which we know it's all fake.

Or is it?

Oh just shut the fuck up devil.

"Guys stop, put me down." they obliged and we walked down towards the gym.

We decided to take a break from the booth and let our other teammates handle it. We already contributed a lot of our time, effort, even our friends helped us, and of course income.

They can do it.

"It's nothing guys, don't make it a big deal. We all know how Marriage Booths work, and it is all just for show." sitting down on the bleachers, admiring the view of the Basketball court which I declared as my second home. Seulgi picked up a ball, started to dribble it, Jisoo guarding by the ring.

"Oh yeah? Then why did she excitedly spread the news to the whole campus?" Seulgi mentioned while aiming for a three pointer. The ball went in and Jisoo grabbed it.

"She even showed off her ring to us, Lis." Jisoo added while maneuvering over Seulgi. I stood up, stealing the ball from Chu.

"Nah, maybe she's just playing along you know?" dribbling the ball, doing an ankle breaker, I successfully did a lay up.

"Pfft, as if. Lisa come on just admit that it feels real." the ball's now on Seulgi, she passed it to Chu, then I received it, doing a slam dunk.

"Woah! Now that's our Captain." Jisoo nudged my side, chuckling at their antics, they never fail to make me feel that I'm capable enough to be their Team Captain.

"Seriously though, both of you could make a great couple. Not to mention how jealous you acted when Mark and Jennie kissed." Seulgi can't help but to remind me of that incident. I tried so hard to bury it on my mind or even forget about it. I guess I couldn't escape from it that easily.

"That sudden walk out, drove back home with a heated head. You sure you don't have any slightest feelings for her Cap?" Dribbling the ball away from them, I don't know what to say.

This tongue of mine feels like it's being chopped off every single time when someone mentions about my feelings towards Jennie.

My mind slips off, I couldn't think straight, it's just like I'm under a spell that I didn't know of.

Is it normal to feel this kind of way to your bestfriend? Is it normal to even have feelings for them?

Would you risk the decade of friendship that you built just for the both of you to be in a relationship?

I wouldn't.

It's better to remain as friends than to not have the reassurance that the latter likes you back. You might never know after your sudden confession, everything will not go back to normal.

"Lisa!" Grabbing the ball from my hand, Seulgi and Jisoo averted my attention. I wasn't able to answer their question.

"Nevermind, clearly you haven't made up your mind yet. Don't worry it's like that, you can never really tell if you like that person not until they'll slowly slip away from you." Did Jisoo recently went through a break up or something? She's been really close to Rosé lately, did something happen between them?

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