Everyone had settled down and gotten quiet, taking in the handsome man. Whispers could be heard in the room

"Gosh he is so handsome"

"I wonder how old he is, he looks young"

"I could watch him teach all day"

"Cant believe I get to sit in a class with such a hot teacher"

The said male stood in front of his desk and examined everyone faces. He then plastered on a warm loving smile.

"Hello everyone I'm you new math teacher Mr. Vachirawit, I'm glad to be hear with all of you and I hope we will have a great year together." His voice was deep but a gentle tone could be heard. He smiled once more before going behind his desk.
"Does anyone have any questions?"

Immediately half the class raised their hands, eagerly waiting to be called on.
"Um okay" Mr. Vachirawit said laughing "when I pick you please say your name so I can remember. Thank you"

He then pointed to a girl in the corner of the classroom
"Hi my name is priya, and I was just wondering how old you are, you seem awfully young" she teased.
"I'm actually 22 years old, thank you for the compliment...priya" priya gushed at the way mr. Vachirawit said her name and quickly sat down to squeal with her friends.

He then pointed to another girl
"My names Rain, are you married?" She boldly asked. Mr. Vachirawit was taking off guard by the question but he still smiled
"Erm...no, no I'm not married. Thank you Rain" Rain sat back down in her chair giggling.
"Um I would love to get to know you all better but does anyone have any actual questions about the class and work?" Mr. Vachirawit questioned

The room fell silent until Earth raised his hand
"Um yes..."
"Its Earth sir, and yes I have a question about the class."
"Okay what is it"
"Are you good at tutoring because some kids here struggle badly with math" earth said glaring at win.

Win blinked nervously and put his head down avoiding the stares. Everyone in the room knew who earth was talking about, everyone has tried helping win out before. They all felt bad for the guy, and it wasnt like win was one of those jerks who was dumb, he was just bad at math.

Mr. Vachirawit took notice on who everyone was staring at and looked at win, a bit of excitement filled his eyes, he loved helping the student who were terrible at math. It meant something to him because he was the same way in high school, he wanted help them succeed like teachers did for him.

"Yes, I am, I'm actually going to have tutoring after school on Tuesdays through Thursdays, so anyone who needs help just come to me. And dont worry if you dont get it the first time, I'm a very patient guy, and I know what it's like to be bad at math and fail exams." Mr. Vachirawit smiled warmly at all the students.

Win looked up and was kind of amazed by that, all the teachers who had tried to help win beforehand never mentioned being bad at math. In fact they always boasted about how good they were, and how win should know how to do the work.

Win felt an emotion he couldnt point out, but it felt nice to hear that from Mr. Vachirawit. It was also good to hear he was only 20 years old, every other teacher was always 40 and up.

"Okay well since we have that out of the way I'll take the attendance now and get started with class."

By the end of class everyone seemed to be in a sad mood, usually everyone would be rushing out as soon as the bell rang. But this was different, he was different, for the first time in years win actually enjoyed his math class. Instead of the difficult way of teaching other teachers did.

Mr. Vachirawit explained everything down to where to place the decimal points, he pointed out the mistakes he use to make while doing the problems, answered all the questions no matter how stupid or simple they were, and didnt judge everyone for now knowing the answer.

Getting up slowly from his desk win approached Mr. Vachirawit who was getting ready for his next class.

"Um Mr. Vachirawit?" Win spoke softly. He didn't know why he was nervous but he couldnt help it.
"Ah hello...its win...isnt it?" He asked
"Yeah, yes it is" win smiled
"Oh okay, is there something I can help you with?"
"Actually I just wanted to say..." win was really debating on his words, he actually didnt know why he went up to the man, but it just felt like something was pulling himself towards him.

"Is this about you being bad at math? It's okay win I struggled too, but with tutoring and determination we can work our way through it" Mr. Vachirawit beamed.

Win couldnt help but stare at him with admiration. The only people that always tried to encourage him was his 3 friends, plus earth, everyone else just felt sorry for him and didnt try to help after the first time.

Win felt his heart start to be faster and his face heating up.
"Win? Are you okay? You're red." Bright asked worriedly
"Yea yea I'm fine sorry, just...um....thank you. No ones really been able to deal with my lack of knowledge" win explained
"Oh that's fine, actually I can relate to that. All the tutors I had since middle school really didnt help me, I always failed to remember everything I was taught until my parents changed my school and I met a teacher who didnt give up on me till I remembered. I later found out I wasnt bad at math, I just found the subject boring, that's why I wasnt motivated to learn. But I'm here to help you anyway I can" Mr. Vachirawit smiled warmly again then ruffled wins hair.

Win chuckled at that
"Well Mr. Vachirawit I hope you'll never leave me and stay by my side" win smiled nervously, and started to feel his face heat up again. He quickly left the classroom leaving a dumbfounded Mr. Vachirawit.

"I would stay by your side forever if I could" he whispered to himself then got ready for his second class.


Okay guys this is the 3rd book so I hope you guys enjoy this one, I actually worked on it while I was writing Friends Inlove. Enjoy💞💞.

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