New teacher.

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Win metawin: Student
Grade: 12th
Sexuality: "straight"

Bright Vachirawit(Mr. Vachirawit): New Math teacher at GMM high
Age: 22
Sexuality: Gay

A/N: so I'm gonna try and switch up my writing a little, you know just to explore what I'm good at. I hope you guys enjoy the story, not sure yet but this may be a short one. It really just depends on how I feel. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy💕💕.

Win couldnt help but groan loudly out of frustration.
"Again" he whispered to himself
"Another D?" His friend Gun asked. Win simply shook his head and buried his face on the desk.

See win may have good looks, a charming personality, and rich parents. But hes terrible at math. For years hes always hated it because he could never understand it, his parents tried tutors but everything for win went in one ear and out the other.

Metawin Opas-iamkajorn, better known as win, was a senior at GMM High. He comes from a powerful rich family. He was known for his flirty behavior and always getting what he wanted, whether it was girls or good grades, well except math.

"Hey dont worry man, I'm sure you'll make a better grade. We are getting a new teacher today" Gun pointed out. Gun was practically one of wins true friends, most people wanted to hang around him just to get money or get into parties. Gun and his other 2 bestfriends Tay and New were practically the only people who were close to win.
"So what? I've been tutored for years, had private sessions from teachers, I even cheated and still cant pass or understand math" win whined. He then got up from his desk to then walk out the classroom.

Win couldnt help but feel like a failure. He never really struggled with other classes, he enjoyed them, which is why they came easy to him. But for some reason math always was hard, and a very boring subject.

Win walked up to a vending machine to grab a snack, he needed to charge before class started.

Once win grabbed his snack from the machine the halls started to crowd with people, mainly girls, they were all smiling and pulling their phones out recording.

Win walked up to a group of girls.
"Hey what's going on?" He asked. None of the girls looked at him but they still answered
"You didn't hear about the new teacher?" One girl said
"Hes fucking hot" another girl shouted

Win looked up but couldnt see even though he was a giant compared to most people in the hallway. Instead of waiting around he hurried back to the classroom, when he got in he saw his friend Gun. He was being hit on by some jock named Earth. Win didnt have a problem with earth really, even though he was the captin of the varsity basketball team and played other sports, he was actually really gentle and sweet.

Win walked back to his chair not even being noticed by the two boys. He cleared his throat to then dart his eyes at them.

"Oh sorry win, I didnt hear you come back" gun said nervously
"Hey win, you heard about the new math teacher? Maybe this will be the lucky one to help you pass the exam." Earth cheered. Win rolled his eyes and slumped back into his chair
"No one can help me, its usless" win said in defeat.

Both earth and gun look at him sullenly. They both knew win had a problem with math, they also were the ones to try and help. But win simple couldnt remember everything when it came time for the exams, test, and pop quizzes.

Soon shouting could be heard from outside the classroom. Girls screaming wildly to then the door being flung open.

In came a young, tall, pale skinned male, he was wearing a denim buttoned down shirt, complemented with long white pants and white kicks to match. His hair was parted in the middle showing off his forehead.

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