Prologue: This is where the Legend Dies

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It was midday. A lone diner stood on the outskirts of Night City. The clouds were all gray and it was raining so the view was as shitty as ever. Several people were in the building, occupying some of the tables, while the bartender was slowly polishing the glasses behind his counter.

Suddenly, a car pulled up to the side of the street. Loud sounds of music could be heard from behind the windows. Then the music stopped and a door opened. A tall man, wearing dark green coat and black sweatpants came out of the car with a cigar in his mouth. He had a golden colored cybernetic arm, which shone brightly under the light of a streetlight. He took the cigar out of his mouth and lit it using his enhancement, before putting it back into his mouth and exhaling a large cloud of smoke, seemingly not bothered by the rain.

Tall man: "Think this a good place?" he turned around facing the car, puffing an even larger cloud inside the vehicle.

The second door opened. A man, wearing a leather jacket with a hood and jeans emerged from the vehicle. He had a sword on his back and his arms were covered with blood, some still dripping from his fingers. His name was V and he was one of the most well-known faces in Night City. After 'certain events' involving one corporation, one job, a death toll higher than a WW3 confrontation and a lot of money, he decided to become a professional gun for hire. That decision really paid off, since he'd been hired almost twice a week on a regular basis now to do a job no one else would even consider doing. He killed gang leaders, corpo executives and once even blew up corpo hq. Police wouldn't give a fuck really and V knew that, since half of the city police was on his payroll. A couple of cash here and there and the police turns a blind eye. The people of the city? They knew that unless you had a target on your back, V wouldn't come for you.

V: "Think so." He shook his hands just for more blood to hit the street. "Hope they have a working sink there."

V closed the door and the locked the car, after which he made his way to the diner's entrance. A bell rang as soon as the door opened and the attention of every visitor instantly turned towards the newcomers. V instantly headed towards the restroom, while the bartender looked at his hands with an expression of shock. The tall man, however, took a seat near the window and started browsing the menu.

At the restroom, V washed his hands clean of blood and started washing his face. He rubbed his eyes and stared at his reflection. There he was; the legendary assassin of Night City. Although the status became to him as hollow as it sounded. There was nothing really left to challenge him. He was on the top of the food chain. No gang would ever try and get him. One corporation, however... 

He spalshed his face with some more cold water. He wondered if he could start again. Perhaps move to a different town and start anew there...? Or maybe just shoot himself in the head and destroy the thing completely...

He chuckled.

V: "The Legendary Cyberdragon... God, I hate you Adam."

He finished washing up and exited the restroom. The tall man was already sitting there devouring a greasy cheeseburger with extra bacon in it.

V: "Dex, Dex, Dex..." the tall man, whose name was apparently Dexter, stopped eating and gave his full attention to V. "Sometimes I wonder what threatens your life more: lead or blood pressure. You know I can only protect you from the former."

Dex: "I knew you'd like it." The man gave V a grin

V: "Did ya get anything for me, fatsy?"

Dex: "Two shots of tequila."

V: "Why two?"

Dex: "Cause you need something to drink the tequila with. And what's better to drink with tequila, than even more tequila?"

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