Chapter 17 - Dusk

Start from the beginning

I've had worse.

He wasn't sure how long he stayed like that, how long the pain shuddered through his body. But eventually it started to recede away. The feeling was restored to Dusk's body, though his legs still trembled. He wished he could just forget that happened but his scorched fingers didn't let him.

"I believe you already knew what that was for, Adrian," the king said coolly. "Now, take a seat."

He didn't say anything and took a step forward, blinking through his blurry vision. His legs almost gave way under him once but he managed to stay upright, and collapsed into the stiff chair as soon as he reached it. The elderly man glanced at him sympathetically.

"Victoria, has there been any new progress with King Asher? Has he finally decided to abandon this foolish conquest of his and join hands with Eldatrion once again?" the king asked a middle-aged woman sitting to his left.

"No, Your Majesty," she said. "My spies have said that your treaty has only aggravated him more and his preparations have been doubled. He said that he would not be 'controlled' anymore and has vowed to invade Eldatrion on the earliest prospect available."

"And what about the Mystics residing there? I am aware that most of them have been captured and are being used by King Asher for his own benefit. But what are the rest of them doing? Are they cowards or are they doing something about the situation?"

"They are not cowards, Your Majesty," Victoria said, smiling. "A certain coven has been existing in Gemageia since a few years now, one that calls itself the 'Shadows'. They protect magical people from the king and train them to become better warriors. Unfortunately, they are less in numbers. The king has given orders for all of them to be captured so scuffles with the guards are quite common. Although one of them that has recently occurred interests me greatly."

Dusk, who was on the verge of losing consciousness, turned toward Victoria now. He hadn't understood a word of the king and her conversation, but the word Gemageia caught his attention at once. He fought to stay awake and listened with increasing curiosity.

"Indeed. Why would that be?" the king asked.

"Well, it involves the youngest leader of this coven, Abigail Palmer. The other leaders of the Shadows tend to leave everything to their recruits, but she is unlike them. She willingly ventures into danger if it means protecting fellow 'Shadows'. And just around a day ago, she was seen following a heavily protected carriage for the same reason. The city of Shadowdale is in an uproar and all guards have been dispatched to capture her and her companions. The king will not be pleased with this rebellious act."

"Shadowdale, you say? Interesting." The king glanced in Dusk's direction, surprising him with another smile.

Shadowdale. Why does this name sound so familiar? Why do I feel like I know this place personally...?

Dusk tried recalling where he had heard of Shadowdale before but nothing came to mind. His sudden pounding headache wasn't helping either. It was like there were tiny lightning bolts still crawling through his head, sparking up the more he tried remembering. His only thought was that it was from the king's attack and gave up.

"So are you confident that he is not surrendering?" the king asked in a low tone.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Very well then, I have no other choice but to go ahead with my initial strategy." He straightened and eyed every person on the table, his gaze lingering on Dusk. "I had hoped that it wouldn't come to this," he said, still looking at Dusk, "but alas, this is the only option I am left with. What a pity, King Asher would have been an excellent ally if it weren't for his pride. Do you not agree with me Charles?"

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