Mulai dari awal

"You guys have arrived much later than expected! Dr. Aslam will not be pleased with this delay." I shook my head in disappointment as I accepted the plastic cup from Ramsha's outstretched hand. Bringing it to my lips, I took a sip and sighed at the warmth and freshness of the coffee that quickly invigorated my senses."Oh, don't fret, Darla. I will take care of the situation," ramsha voice sounded assured, making me give her my best side glare to convey 'you.better.'

We then proceeded to walk towards the street to hail a cab, with our other colleagues following closely behind in pursuit. "so what do you think?" giving her a side gance, confusion swirling in my orbs as my eyebrows drew together asking about what.

"about last night.." The mention of last night brings my steps to a halt, as memories of the fight, the police station, and the criminal man flood my mind. It was a clear indication that I should not underestimate him. This man was dangerous, beyond my understanding, and it would be foolish to think otherwise.

Shaking my head in confusion, I struggled to find my voice as I muttered, "I don't know." And it was true, I had no clue what my next move should be. The situation I had found myself in was incredibly perplexing. The constant fear of each passing minute potentially being my last was tormenting. Furthermore, the question of why he had kept me alive without causing harm only added to the torment within my mind. I mean don't they just kill anyone who gets them on doing the bad deed in movies? or this scenario was going to play out a little different.

A gentle touch on the back of my shoulder caused me to turn my head towards Ramsha, who softly whispered, "I'm sorry." making me give her the same sad smile trying to brush off every negativity out of the air. And just like that, we resumed our journey.


"I will not inquire about the reason for your tardiness. Spare the explanations and demonstrate your hard work instead! Today could either be a great day for all of you or the worst." Arriving at the venue 15 minutes before its scheduled start time is definitely not a positive sign. Breaking news of the day, the special guests have already arrived adds to the pressure. We must pull ourselves together, or else Dr. Aslam might not even consider us next time.

"Hurry up and proceed with your assigned tasks," Dr. Aslam urged. Nodding in agreement with his instructions, we all began to head towards our respective locations. Just as I was about to walk into the hall room, I was halted by Dr. Aslam.

Releasing a deep breath, I adjusted my posture and stood at attention before him, anticipating a lecture on my tardiness and lackadaisical demeanor

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Releasing a deep breath, I adjusted my posture and stood at attention before him, anticipating a lecture on my tardiness and lackadaisical demeanor. Gripping the file tightly in my hands, my teeth nervously gnawed at the inside of my cheek."You are to proceed directly to the stage and commence the speech as we have rehearsed. Stay composed and give it your all. Understood?" I raised my hazel eyes to meet his dark gaze, sensing the genuine care and paternal affection behind his words, causing me to nod in a daze. His smile in response to my affirmation was a rare display of warmth from a boss known for being stern and unyielding, making the moment feel both strange and uncomfortable.

FATED TO BE HISTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang