Chapter 7 - ...Of the end

Start from the beginning

(Oh great. Another asshole Brent that we have to listen to) Serenity grumbled annoyed.

(I know. On the bright side though, it's only until tonight. We've made it this far, surely we can make it a few more hours, and then we will be home free. Plus we haven't even met our mate like the prophecy said so we may be in the clear) I answered back hopefully as I got some cleaning supplies out from below the sink.

(Hey! Don't say shit like that, you'll jinx us! I actually want to meet my mate. Prophecy or not I have to hope that he won't reject us.) she huffed growling slightly

(I'm not saying it to be an ass rin. I'm being practical. According to what the prophecy says, our mate is going to reject us and if that's not bad enough we will then have to expose ourselves just to reject him back) I mind linked back remorsefully.

All she did was whimper and nod her head once before going to the back of my mind and putting a wall up. I hate that she feels like this but there's nothing that can be done. If we meet our mate and he rejects us before we are able to leave this pack then we are going to be exposed to Alpha Steven and we will be fucked.

I quickly felt my pocket to make sure my bag is still there, then I grabbed the cleaning supplies before heading upstairs to start.


I finished cleaning up about two hours ago since there wasn't much to do and there is still no sign of Andrew. There is still an hour before the ceremony, but I figured he would be here before that.

I was taking a small break in the living room when I heard the front door open.

Quickly standing up, I made my way over to the door expecting it to be alpha Steven so I could assist him with anything as he came in. To my surprise though, it was a young guy who looked to be a few years older than me. He was in a dark blue suit and had sleek black hair that was spiked. I wanted to see his eyes but he was looking down at his phone.

"Good evening. Can I assist you with your jacket sir" I asked a sweetly as possible.

He didn't even look up, he just slid his jacket off and threw it towards me before walking off towards the kitchen. I shrugged and hung up the jacket as I heard things clattering around. Just then the alpha walked through the door as well.

He shoved me to the side and pushed past me, walking towards the kitchen as well. I was about to go find something to do to look busy when I heard them talking.

"Andrew! My son! I'm so glad you're home. Everything is ready for the ceremony tonight, so whenever you're ready we can get to it." Alpha Brent said joyously.

"Good because honestly I just want to get it done and over with. It's what I've been preparing for and I'm more than ready to take over old man." Andrew responded lightheartedly , joking with his dad.

"I'll show you old man" Alpha Brent retorted playfully as I heard light scuffling.

"Ahhh! okay I give!" the alpha called out again before they were both laughing

"I thought so dad. Give me a minute and I'll be ready to go out." Andrew said warmly as I heard his footsteps get closer.

"Sounds good. I'll meet you out there" Alpha Brent responded as I heard the sliding glass door leading to the outside open and close.

I hurriedly started to straighten the shoes and jackets to make it seem like I hadn't been eavesdropping when I felt him near me. "Hey omega, hand me my jacket" Andrew stated as he poked his head around the door.

I grabbed the jacket and handed it to him, my hand slightly brushing his making sparks run through my hand, up my arm, and all along my body.

We both froze.

No way. No fucking way is he my mate This can't be happening.

I quickly pulled my hand away and turned around ready to run upstairs. I took a step forward and his hand shot out quickly grabbing my upper arm.

He roughly pulled me in front of him to see my face, sendings sparks up my arms where he was holding onto me but I made sure to keep my head down and kept trying to pull away out of his grip.

"Knock that off and look at me" he said as he gripped me harder to hold me in place. I stopped trying to escape but I didn't look up. Meeting his eyes would cement the fact that we're mates and I didn't want to face that yet. "I said LOOK. AT. ME!" he demanded angrily using his alpha tone.

I tried with all of my might not to but I couldn't. The only alpha command that I could withstand was an order to shift. I never thought about working on being made to look at someone since I wasn't allowed to anyway. I gave up the fight and slowly rose my head until my eyes met his.

His scent overtook me and at that moment, it felt like the world came to a halt. He smelled like dark chocolate and cherries and his eyes were absolutely gorgeous. They were light green with bronze flecks throughout and I was completely mesmerized. He was a little taller than me and had slight stubble around his chin. Standing before me was a literal Greek god in every sense of the word.

(Mate! Mate! Mate!) Serenity was screaming out in my head as she paced back and forth, causing me to have get headache.

(I know, now please stop. I can't focus and you're giving me a migraine) I said a little annoyed before putting a wall up and focusing back on him. He had a shocked expression on his face before it hardened into a scowl.

"I can't fucking believe I waited all of these years just to find out that I'm mates with the likes of you" he sneered in disgust.

I gasped and brought my hand up to my chest. I knew this was going to happen but it didn't hurt any less to have him act like that when he doesn't even know anything about me.

"You know what no. I will not have some weak omega as my Luna. Not now, not ever. You're nothing but a waste of space and a sad excuse for a she-wolf. My father told me about you. What kind of werewolf can't shift? " he said In a mocking tone as he shoved me back into the wall opposite him. I cried out and fell to the floor as my back slammed into the coat hooks on the wall.

He stalked over and pulled me up by my hair making me wince "You're a fucking disgraceful abomination. I, Andrew Brent, Future Alpha of the Blood Brood Pack, reject you, Isabella Knight, as my mate and luna." He sneered bitterly before he brought his fist back and punched me as hard as he could.

I felt my heart and the bond break as a stabbing pain ran through me when he said that. My head snapped to the left from the force of being hit again. I started to see black spots in my eyes from all of the pain I was in and the last thing I saw before darkness took over was him dragging me towards the door outside.

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