Chapter 5 - Just another day in paradise

Start from the beginning

When I came to, I no longer felt any pain at all. I looked at the time and it read 6:37 am, which meant I had about half an hour to get downstairs and make breakfast for the alpha before he wakes up.

I jumped out of bed and grabbed my cleaning uniform off of a chair and ran across the hall to the bathroom. I shut the door and went to wash my face when I gasped and froze in place. All of my scars were completely gone as well as all of the bruising around my throat and on my body, and my chest no longer hurt from the broken ribs.

Not only that but my hair had darkened slightly and my eyes changed color. Before I had blue eyes and now they are a vibrant purple color. Someone passed outside the door to the bathroom and I heard a voice in my head.

*(I sure hope that girl is up, I hate seeing what the alpha does to her)* I heard worriedly in what sounded like Shelly's voice.

Shelly is the only other omega in the whole pack. She was shorter than me and younger by a few years. She had blonde hair and blue eyes and was super shy but we have slowly become best friends and I honestly believe she is the reason I'm still here and have my sanity.

I squealed in alarm when I heard it and it took me a moment to regain myself. I looked around the room making sure I was alone, before popping my head out of the door.

Shelly was at the end of the hall about to go down the stairs. When I asked her what she had said, she told me she didn't say anything. though she stood there for a moment watching me when I heard the voice again.

*(i never noticed she had purple eyes. I didn't think that was an eye color anyone could have)* it came again in bewilderment. This time I know she didn't say anything because her mouth never moved but I knew it was her voice.

" bad" I replied hesitantly and she nodded and continued downstairs.

I stepped back into the bathroom and closed the door as it dawned on me what just happened. I just heard what she was thinking.

(Oh this could come in handy) Serenity piped up as a grin slowly spread across my face.

*Flashback Over*

I quickly walked towards the back of the closet and grabbed the cleaning uniform I have to wear every day along with a black pair of flats and my workout gear, before leaving and allowing the doorway to shimmer back to the beat-up dresser.

After getting dressed in the workout gear, I sit back down on my bed, bringing my legs up to sit cross-legged. I closed my eyes and brought my hands together in front of me palms up. After a deep breath, I concentrated, focusing on every aspect of what I wanted.

I opened my eyes and forming in the palms of my hands was a small vanilla cupcake with whipped aqua icing, rainbow sprinkles, and two candles on top. A small smile formed on my face in content, item conjuring still takes a little effort but it's coming easier.

I close my eyes again and blissfully make a wish. After a moment I open my eyes and whisper "happy 20th" to myself as I blow out the candle.

The candles disappear and I pull off the wrapping around the bottom of the cake.

Tossing it into the garbage, I bite into moaning loudly from how good it is. I don't conjure sweets too often and save them as a splurge for myself on my birthday, but I did damn good this year.

I finish the cupcake and wipe my hands off before leaving my room, making sure to grab my uniform for later.


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