Opening my eyes, I look and see Jungkook looking so sad, tired, but beautiful. There is a rainbow falling across his face, and I feel my Dad is doing that on purpose. I can't help the tear that runs down my face, and I move to wipe it away. As soon as he notices my movement, he sits up to look at me. I feel vulnerable under his gaze, and look away.

"hey" his voice is soft and hoarse, but I can't find my own at the moment. I know he wants me to talk to him, but I don't know what to say.

"Will you not look at me, Love?"

I turn to him, and I see his pain and fear. But I'm hurting more than I thought because I can't continue to look at him. I look away letting my tears go. I fiddle my fingers and focus on them while I hear him moving a little. He doesn't come closer, just leans back onto the wall... I can't even decide if I want him to move closer to me.

The picture of him in bed with Aera flashes in my mind and I clutch my heart, trying to feel my Gran's warmth and strength. The words he said to me, the cold look on his eyes, it all plays like an awful scene I can't escape from... I roll away and show him my back. I don't have the strength to see him right now.

"please... don't shut me out... i... i know that i don't deserve you... but..."

"Leave Jungkook!" I honestly don't know where the words came from, but I can't stand it right now... My heart is aching and I don't think I can listen to him tell me that he is with Aera, so he needs to go. I know he doesn't want me to die, and he's feeling guilty, but I don't have the strength for this...

"i... please love... let me tell you" "NO! And don't dare call me by that anymore. Not after what you have done. Now, please go."

I heard a sniffle, and the chair move as he got up. I hate everything right now.. Most of all, I hate that I wish I was dead... How can I survive when he doesn't love me anymore? My Gran was wrong... I'm not strong. The sob escapes my lips before I can stop it. I feel his hand on my shoulder and he pulls me gently to lay on my back. I close my eyes to not see his face. I can't do it..

"just let me go jungkook... be happy..."

His hands on my cheeks, thumbs wiping my tears feels so familiar... "Don't give up Sophia..." I hear his pain, and I feel guilty, but anger comes close behind it. "Why do you care? Just leave me alone... I don't want your pity... GO!"

I felt him flinch at my loud command, but he released my face. "I know you hate me right now... But please don't hurt yourself anymore. I can't stand it..." I scoff at his words...

"you might have thought of that before you took my heart and shattered it..." I whispered to his retreating form. He freezes at the door, turning to show me his tear stained face. "I am truly sorry Sophia... I wish you could have..." "GET OUT!!"




I hear her shout as I'm approaching her door. A second later, a broken looking Jungkook walks out and collapses to his knees. I don't know what to do because I am so angry at him. I hate to see him like this though, and the years of friendship we've shared take over. I go to him and grab him, pulling him into a hug. I feel him shake and my shoulder is wet from his tears.

"Give her time Jungkook..." I don't know why I'm even trying to encourage him, but I know he loves her. "She hates me Hyung... What did I do?" I have no answer for him, so I just hold him. After some time, he calms a little, letting go from our embrace.

"I'm sorry Hyung..." I look at what he's talking about, and he's pointing at the large wet area on my shirt. I smile at him and pat his head. "It's alright Jungkook... Sometimes you just have to let it out... Right?" He nods at me and turns to walk away. "Jungkook?"

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