
Leo's PoV

I pulled baby in the parking lot and begun to head towards the entrance, but my attention was drawn towards two eyes sores on their motorcycles. I noticed Scott and Stiles heading over to them so I followed suit, I doubt they were here to start a fight, but they weren't to bright so it would be wrong of me to assume otherwise.

"You're back in school?" I heard Scott ask them,

"No, just to talk," Ethan spoke first,

"Oh. That's kind of a change of pace for you guys. Usually, you're just hurting, maiming, and killing," Stiles stated with his usually sarcastic tone,

"You need a pack. We need an Alpha," Aiden spoke looking from Scott to me,

"Yeah. Absolutely not. That's hilarious though," Stiles said to them,

"You came to us for help. We helped," Aiden said to him,

"You beat his face into a bloody pulp, and set Leo on the war-path. That's not helping. In my opinion, that's actually counter-productive," Stiles said to him and I nodded slightly,

"Why would I say yes?" Scott asked him,

"We'd add strength. We'd make you more powerful. There's no reason to say no," Aiden told him,

"Beside losing brain cells in the process," I muttered loudly enough for them to hear,

"I can think of one," A voice spoke, I looked over to see Isaac walking up to us, "like the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd. In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now,"

"You want to try?" Aiden asked with a growl, his fangs came out and his eyes became and icy blue, Isaac stepped forwards but Scott stopped him, Isaac glanced back at him and stopped,

"Sorry, but they don't trust you. And neither do I," Scott said to the twins, he moved off and we all followed him, but a hand on my shoulder made me stop and look back to see Ethan looking at me with desperation,

"What about you? You're your own Alpha, you don't have to follow him," Ethan said to me and I looked back at Scott and the others, "so what do you say?"

"To but it bluntly," I said looking back them, "I'd take Peter Hale into my pack before I'd even consider you two,"

I pulled away from Ethan's grasp and walked into the school with the others. Isaac walked over to his locker while Scott, Stiles and myself headed into the other halls. Only to dodge a roll of toilet paper flying through the air.

"All right, that's my face!" Stiles snapped at a group of freshmen, "hey, dude, good decision, buddy. Good Alpha decision,"

"I hope so," Scott muttered,

"No, you know so," Stiles told him, I pulled out my phone to text Derek for the hundredth time, in hopes that he finally replies, "What are you looking at?"

"Me?" Scott asked,

"You. You looking at her?" Stiles asked him,

"Her? Who her?" Scott asked and I glanced up from my phone with an annoyed look,

"Her her. Kira. You like her?" Stiles asked him, I looked at the two then down the hall to Kira,

"No. I mean Yeah, yeah, she's okay. She's new," Scott stuttered out,

"So, ask her out," Stiles told him,

"Now?" Scott asked and I groaned as I followed the two as we started to walk down the hall,

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