why can't i tell you

22 0 0

written on 2/1/21


when i tell you that i'm starting to miss everything

be careful, i don't know how much you should believe

i can speak and lie and run my words together

in a way where it seems i have lost something

and i could make you believe you could find it for me

yet you wouldn't have a clue, a glimmer of realization,

that you didn't fill in the missing piece

but i'll tell you that you did

cause i don't want you to know what i do

no matter what i feel

how i think

what i make others believe isn't the same thing i tell myself

(no one else can see the expiration date

i may not always see it but i can feel it's there)

how they talk about the future like they can't  wait

i don't seem to share that excitement, only fear

because i don't see myself getting that far

but i can't tell you that

i will let you believe what i want you to

i can't let what i am ruin you

it's best if we keep it this way

because while this may be destroying me

at least i know it's doing the best for you


this one does have some direction but also as i see it not much that can be pinpointed. or is that just what I'm letting you believe? idk......... maybe. love you bye. 

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