a mossy bridge

23 0 0

written on 12/31/20 


who is it that i'm waiting for?

if i'm honest, i don't really know

i sit here on this bridge often

though i never know who will come sit with me

countless times i see others walk across

always with another, never crossing alone

it gives me reason to believe i will cross soon

if only i had another

so many walk by and only offer me a glance

i wait for the moment someone will stop

and help me stand up

brush off the vines that had started to grow

and lead me to the other side

a place i've never been 

i've seen and heard of so many wonders when you arrive, always side by side

it's somewhere i fear i'll never see

the vines and moss start to overgrow the bridge

everyone else has already crossed

yet i'm still here, waiting

i understand that i could go

find the last bit of motivation i have to stand

and climb up onto the ledge

i'll wait a little longer

until i can't possibly hold on anymore

and step off the bridge

i hope the vines that coat me will hold

until the one i waited for can find me

though they surely will never come

and i'll never cross the bridge


there was a lot of visualization when i was writing this. it's almost the new year meaning repeating every day over and over again 😃 yay can't wait to suffer! :)) haha anyways have a goodnight dears love you.

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