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i wake up the next day, remembering what happened the day before. i still couldn't believe harry had replied to me, but i also remembered that he didn't reply back yesterday. i decide to check my phone going straight to instagram to see if he had messaged me. 

a huge grin spread across my face when i saw that he had actually replied. 

wroetoshaw: don't be sorry it made me laugh ngl! very disappointed you don't have a dog though you got my hopes up :( also sorry for taking ages to reply, it's a busy life carrying the sidemen channel with my beautiful looks and funny jokes ;) x 

i laughed to myself as i read his message. of course he's a sarcastic twat and if i'm being honest that makes me fancy him even more. does this boy have any bad traits? 

i decided to not think about my reply too much and just send a message as if i was talking to a friend because i knew if i over thought it too much it would probably make me reply even worse. 

laurendavis: aw don't make me feel embarrassed AND guilty ://  but i guess i can forgive you, it sounds like such hard work you poor boy x

i can't believe this is my life right now, i never thought this would happen. i thought i'd spend the rest of my life watching sidemen videos in bed, wishing i could meet harry and now he's actually messaging me? 

i noticed that the smile hadn't left my face since i had woken up, something very unusual for me. i'm used to waking up wishing i wasn't alive, dreading to live another day, and now i've woke up happy. it was an amazing feeling. 

10 minutes later i felt my phone vibrate again. 

wroetoshaw: it is hard work but that's what happens when none of the other boys can live up to my high standards :( i'm glad you understand though, i don't think i could live with myself knowing a beautiful girl like you couldn't forgive me x

i must have read the message at least 50 times, my mouth open wide in shock. has harry lewis just called me beautiful? my life genuinely feels like a dream right now. after finally catching my breath and comprehending what he's said, i finally bring myself to reply. 

laurendavis: aww stop it harold you're making me blush😅 surprised you could take a break from stroking your ego to compliment me tho ;) x

wroetoshaw: ooo the alcoholic has a sarcastic side! don't get cheeky with me lauren, do you not remember you lied to me about having a dog? you should be kissing the floor i walk on to make it up to me :( x

laurendavis: oh shit that's true, I'm so sorry i take it back you definitely don't have a massive ego, please forgive me harry xoxo 

wroetoshaw: i may not have a massive ego but something else is massive...

laurendavis: omg harry!! you've known me 5 minutes and you're already talking about your dick ffs😂 but i also know that's a lie, i've seen the sidemen videos ://

wroetoshaw: aw fuck sake you've got me there! yeah my dick is tiny😂 you could come and find out yourself if you want? ;) x

laurendavis: who would have thought harry lewis, the wroetoshaw, is a massive fuckboy🙄x

wroetoshaw: only joking love! i'll let you know I'm actually a gentleman and i'd love to get to know you better. i have a sidemen shoot now tho so i'll give you a message in a bit :) x

laurendavis: i'd like that as well :) have fun, try not to hurt your back too much carrying the video!😂x

i put my phone down after messaging harry, still smiling. i can't believe he wants to get to know me better. i decided i should update dan on the situation so i text him asking if he wants to come round my apartment later. he quickly replies telling me he'll be over in an hour so i get in the shower and start to get ready. 

i dry my hair and decide against makeup as we're only in my apartment and i don't need to impress dan, he's probably seen me in some of my worst states. i put on some leggings and an oversized hoodie and then look at my phone, noticing he has just text me saying that he's here. 

i make my way towards my door and let him in my house, he instantly picked me up and hugged me, spinning me around whilst he did it. he did this a lot due to our height difference, i'm so small and he's 6'2. 

"okay i know you've just got over your hangover but i may have accidentally brought us a bottle of wine each" dan tells me. 

i shook my head whilst laughing, "for god sake of course you have, you're going to make us into alcoholics!" as i said this, i remembered my conversation with harry earlier where he called me an alcoholic and i smiled to myself. 

"oh shut up loz everyone knows you love a drink anyway, just doing you a favour by supplying you with alcohol" he replies, laughing with me. 

i get two wine glasses out the cupboard and pour us both a large glass of wine. we then make our way over to my couch and i explain everything to him whilst showing him all the messages. 

hi again, hope you enjoyed part four! i'm a bit nervous on how the whole instagram dms will sound so i'm sorry if its shit but I did try 😂 idk if this story is actually shit or its just my head so please let me know your opinions as always! i'm trying not to be too slow with the whole harry and lauren situation but i also don't want to rush it hahah

thank you for reading :) 

then i met you // wroetoshawWhere stories live. Discover now