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it was the day after harry's stream and i woke up feeling better than the previous day as i didn't cry last night, which is very weird for me. because i felt better i decided i'd text my friend dan and ask him if he wanted to go out in newcastle tonight as watching harry's stream made me fancy a drink and also it was saturday so why not? 

Lauren: heyy bestie, are you working tonight??

Dan: noo i'm off and have no plans why?

Lauren: fancy coming out in newcastle tonight i want to get drunkkk

Dan: do you even need to ask that question, what time?

Lauren: ermm we could say 7ish for pres? 

Dan: yeah that sounds perfect, you can come here for pres if you want

Lauren: yeah that's perfect i'll see you then beautiful xxx

Dan: see you soon angel x

i have known dan since year 7 and we have been best friends since. he is my absolute rock and i don't know what i'd do without him, even though I always push him away when i  feel like this. 

i dragged myself out of bed at around 4pm and got straight in the shower as i only had a few hours to get ready now. i got out and dried my hair before doing my makeup. as its saturday and i haven't been out in a while i decided to put more effort into my makeup, adding eyeshadow, eyeliner and false eyelashes to my look. looking in the mirror, i actually kind of liked the person i was looking at for once, it was nice to actually make an effort rater than looking like death 24 hours of each day from constant crying. 

i straightened my longe blonde hair and then got up and started looking through my wardrobes for an outfit. i wanted to wear a dress and heels tonight. i finally settled on a blush coloured bodycon dress that hugged my figure perfectly and some clear block heels. heels are an essential part of my outfit as i'm only 5'2 so i love to make myself taller. 

looking at my phone i noticed that it was 6:40pm so i booked an uber that would be here in 5 minutes. i grabbed my bag and put all the essentials in before looking at myself in the mirror one last time. i then made my way out of my apartment and got in the lift to get the uber. 

i arrived at his apartment and text him to let me in. i got into the lift and made my way to his door where he greeted me with a hug. 

"hey loz! i've missed you so much" he smiled into the hug. 

"i've missed you too, sorry for being a bit distant lately" i replied sincerely. 

"you know you don't have to apologise to me, i'm just glad you're here now. come on let's get pissed!" he excitedly says, dragging me into the kitchen. 

"i went to tesco earlier and got some raspberry gin and apple sourz, our favourite" he tells me. 

"you actually are the best person ever i love you"

after 3 gins each and too many shots to remember, we were both tipsy and decided we should go out now otherwise we would never make it out. dan lives in the city centre so we are in walking distance to all the clubs so we left his apartment and made our way to our first club.


we both stumbled our way back into dan's apartment at around 4am absolutely mortal. during the night we had drank probably more than we should have, including a lot of sambuca shots. we decided we weren't ready to sleep just yet and made our way into dans kitchen and sat on the high chairs at his island eating anything we could find. 

even though I was extremely drunk, i still found myself thinking about the one person i haven't been able to get off my mind lately: harry lewis. 

"dan isn't harry lewis the fittest boy you have ever seen in your life" i slurred. 

"yeah he is fit but not really my type" he replied. 

"hmm true but he is definitely mine like have you seen his face man i am literally so obsessed, how do i get him to fall in love with me" I spoke my thoughts out loud. 

"oh my god lauren why don't you send him a message on instagram he'll definitely reply" dan tells me, his drunk brain making it seem like a good an easy idea, even though sober us would know that he definitely would not reply. he has over 3 million followers for god sake. 

the alcohol had clearly taken over my brain as well as i agreed and we quickly got my phone out and opened the instagram app, going straight to his profile. 

"dan i don't even know what to say, he has so many people who like him he's never going to want to reply to me anyway." 

"loz don't be so stupid you're literally perfect of cause he'll reply."

suddenly i had an idea that drunk me thought was brilliant when, in reality, it was literally so boring and stupid and there was no chance he would reply.


laurendavis: hellloooo hary do u wwnat to see pictres of my dogg xxx

hiii, this chapter is slightly longer but still not as long as I want but she's finally messaged harry!! will he reply ooo I wonder 😂 idk if this story is shit so pls let me know if you actually like it hahaha. 

thank you for reading :)

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