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dan ended up leaving my apartment at around 10pm and at this point i was fairly drunk. i had gotten through a bottle of wine and it had gone straight to my head, this always happened with wine. 

my vision was blurry but i managed to make out what was on my phone and i noticed that harry had messaged me on instagram. in my drunken state i let out a little squeal as i ran to my room and opened the message. 

wroetoshaw: how's my little alcoholic doing this fine monday evening?x

laurendavis: hi harold i may accidnrtlaly be a litlee bit durnk again xx

wroetoshaw: oh god😂 i was only joking but i guess you've proved my point you little alcho! you're typing is actually awful when you've had a drink xx

laurendavis: yeah iknwo im so sorry its so annoyting sorru if I've annoyed you aagsin this is so embarrassinf xx

wroetoshaw: don't be stupid lauren it's not embarrassing at all, you're just a lightweight clearly ;) maybe instead of having to type awfully you could ring me instead?xx

as i read this message my heart dropped. harry lewis wants to ring me? what the fuck is actually going on right now. the message sobered me up slightly but i was still in a state and scared that i'll say something wrong if we talk on the phone but i can't say no. i have the opportunity to phone harry lewis, a boy have obsessed over for years, and i'm not going to turn it down. 

laurendavis: that ssunds like a good idae even though i'll probanly embarrass myself evn more🙃xx

wroetoshaw: perfect! my number is 07********* :)  xx

i typed the number into my phone but couldn't bring myself to press the call button. i was so excited to finally talk to him but i was also so scared. what if i say something stupid and he hates me? there were so many thoughts running through my head and the alcohol definitely wasn't helping. 

i finally built up the confidence and pressed the call button. it rang for 3 seconds and I'm not even joking when I say it felt like 3 hours, but finally he answered. 

"hello lauren, well i hope this is lauren or thats awkward" he laughs into the phone. my body feels like its melting as i hear him say my name. 

"erm what who's this? i don't know a lauren?" i joke. wow very funny and original lauren.

"ohh so you're not just an alcoholic you're also a comedian? you're literally the perfect girl aren't you." he jokes back.

even though he can't see me, i roll my eyes and reply "very funny harry. i'm not an alcoholic anyway but i am pretty funny."

"you're not an alcoholic but you're drunk on a monday? somethings not adding up here." i could tell he was smirking as he said that. 

"it actually wasn't my fault this time, i invited my friend over and he brought wine and it would have been rude to turn it down!" I explained.

"ooo you're 'friend' brought you wine did he? has the little alcho got a boyfriend?" he says and i'm sure he sounded slightly disappointed. why would he care if i had a boyfriend? 

i laugh slightly at his question, "thats funny, i definitely don't have a boyfriend. he's my best friend and he's also very gay."

"why do you sound so shocked that I'd think you have a boyfriend? i'm more shocked that you don't you're so hot - oh god sorry that's so forward i didn't mean to sound like that" he started talking really quickly trying to explain himself but i couldn't stop smiling at his comment. 

"aww don't worry about it harold, nice to know you think i'm hot. you're not too bad yourself" i smirked, clearly getting the confidence to say that because of my alcohol consumption.

"anyway let's change the subject, i want to get to know you better. i saw that in your instagram bio it says newcastle and i can also tell you're from the north east because you sound like will" he laughs. 

"yeah, i actually used to live half an hour away from newcastle but i moved here when i went to uni and I just decided to stay so i bought my own apartment" i answered him.

"ohh i see, so how old are you?" he asked.

"i'm 22 but i actually turn 23 next month in march so i'm getting old, not as old as you though" i teased him.

"wow lauren there's no need for that is there i've only just turned 24!" he responded. "have you got plans for the big 23 then?"

"erm me and 3 of my friends are going to london for a few days and you'll be shocked to hear we're spending most of the time drinking!" i laughed.

"well there's no shock there you alcho. but london? i live there what a coincidence.." he trailed off.

"ooo that is a coincidence old harold you're right" i replied, not able to say much more. why was he saying this? did he want to meet me? 

"i'll have to keep that in mind then." he teased. 


we then spent the next few hours talking about everything and nothing, losing track of time. conversation flowed between us so effortlessly and it was if we had known each other all our lives. checking the time, i noticed it had just turned 2am. 

"as much as i've enjoyed talking to you, it's getting late now so i should probably go to sleep" i pouted.

"oh god, where has time gone? i've really enjoyed talking to you tonight, we should do it again sometime. but for now, goodnight lauren" he said with a hint of sadness. 

"i have too, goodnight harry" i responded and then hung up the phone, collapsing into my bed with a massive smile on my face. 

awwww they've spoke on the phone how cute. i didn't know how much of the phone call to include without it getting boring so i only put a bit in. you've also learnt a bit more about lauren! ooo i wonder if they'll meet up when she's in london....

thanks for reading :)

then i met you // wroetoshawWhere stories live. Discover now