1 • Healing • 6

Start from the beginning

Miss Kim was delighted to tell about her beautiful grandson. "I'm glad you asked that, he was born of a gift of being strong and beautiful. While being male. Every child wanted to be friends with him and date or marry him. His black curls are silky that he would let me tie his hair up and when he was little, all he wanted to do was wear fashionable clothes and create art."

Hearing this made him want to visit little Taehyung and play with him when he had the chance. Although he was probably still a baby at that time of that decade. "What else did he do?"

"When he was a teenager, he would dance in a beautiful outfit under the magnolia tree you saw not too long ago. It was enjoyable to watch since only the family saw it. I think he should show you since it is a story he created that he should tell you."

"I would love to see that someday."

"I would too Jungkook but since he's in college, my grandson stopped and the outfit is too small now...oh I should show you the pictures when he was young." being with his boyfriend's grandma was fun because of the stories being told and seeing cute pictures of Taehyung.

"Wow, he was super cute back then," when he spotted a picture that included the magnolia tree, the outfit was so ethereal that matched the body figure. The headpiece was the clip he saw before at their dorm.

"Do you think you could recreate this outfit but in purple, please? His mom can help too but make it backless and have silk fabric that wraps around his waist. You can even add some accessories that connect the silk to the bracelets," all these ideas were overflowing for no reason but Jungkook had this vision that would suit Taehyung a lot, "sorry if this is a lot for you and his mom. I can wait."

Taehyung's grandma chuckled and shook her head with that same caring smile, "Don't worry, I think my daughter and I are capable to do that request, why don't you draw it out for us."

"Sure thing." he took a piece of paper and a pen to draw it out. It was only a sketch so it didn't take long to do by that time he was with his check-up, looking at little boyfriend Taehyung, and feel like he had a better connection understanding of Taehyung.

"I think you should marry my grandson."

"What? Marry...Tae? I don't know, we're still in college and I don't know if I can afford an engagement ring—"

"It's never too late to get one and take your time." yeah she was right and also Jungkook is still confused about the whole marriage thing. Like it hasn't been that long since they're together. There's no need to rush things at all.

Taking one step at a time.

"I guess you're right but I want to take this slow with him. It might be a tradition your family did, but times changed." Jungkook had a fair point there that the grandma agrees as she analyzed the paper and stood up, "That is true but I just know you two will make a great couple. Both still young and about to show how beautiful the flower will be."

After that, Miss Kim left while Jungkook did the same after her. Heading back to his boyfriend who was sitting under the pink magnolia tree. It looked like he was staring at a painting in real life.

How can a person make the things around him ethereal of beauty? Only Taehyung could do that when the young male sat next time him. "Looks like most of your wounds are healed."

"Yeah, I need another week for these stitches to disappear. I'll be able to help around and we can go to my parent's place. They'll be blown away with you." Taehyung chuckled and smiled big that would great to meet the Jeons'.

"I would love that Koo." a flower fell from the tree and Taehyung picked it up and placed it his the long fluffy hair of his boyfriend, "There, now you look beautiful to me."

"I don't think that beautiful applies to me but more to you," Jungkook giggled while seeing that Taehyung's hair was starting to get all curly again. He gently held a few locks of his beautiful boyfriend's hair with a grin, "your hair is getting longer."

Taehyung noticed his hair was getting longer. "My hair grows faster than other people's hair does because I take care of it so much."

"Keep growing it. I wanna see what you looked like before you had short hair. It looks great on you." the young male scooted close with their shoulders touching and hands with fingers intertwined. Taehyung placed his head on the other's shoulder.

"Did grandma show you my pictures when I was little and the stories?"

"She did and I liked them. Makes me love you even more and want to be with you longer."

"Same here but I should ask your parents for your pictures of little Koo. I wanna see how cute you were." well, that's embarrassing because back then Jungkook was very shy and only stayed home.

Practicing and doing art in his own time. Either way, Jungkook didn't mind, he was cute back then with all the baby fat he had back then. Now that was gone and only muscles and a strong face with soft features he thought.

As they just sat there admiring the things around them. It was peaceful and Yeontan walked up to them and jumped onto Taehyung's lap. All curled up while he was getting comfy. Then something popped into the young male's mind that his grandma mentioned. "When I was with your grandma, she talked about us getting married already. We're still in college and I hope we take things slowly—"

"Marriage? What is my grandma thinking? She's crazy to think that. We still haven't done other things together like what we were talking about earlier."

Other things? Oh, those other things like when they were talking about taking on each other and handle things. "Yep, I thought the same things as well. I totally agree about that. We should take these things slowly."

"Right?" the pretty male changed the topic from marriage to something else. "When we get to your parent's place, could we do the thing there in your room when all of them are out?"

Taehyung was excited to go over and visit and see what the place looks likes and his boyfriend's room. It must look traditional-looking or something.

Jungkook didn't mind, but now he thought about it, his room was a bit out of shape when he packed his things.

He thought Yoonji took care of it because his sister is caring and she helped him a lot. "Sure. I believe my sister is going to stay at a friend's place and my parents have to go out of town for a few days. I don't see why not."

Furthermore, as the day went on, Jungkook's grandma checked the stitches to make sure they'll be healed in a few days because the recovery on Jungkook was surprisingly fast. "How does your body managed to heal so fast? These stitches are disappearing easily."

Jungkook shrugged with his hair being tied up and still had that flower from earlier in his hair, "I don't know. I just know I just need to rest and not do anything that would open them. I barely did anything. Also, I wasn't wearing a shirt the whole time."

"Hmm, I guess the young people have it easy." Miss Kim hummed and looked at the almost invisible lines of her handy work. "Don't say that Miss Kim, I'm glad I get to be healed by you. You're fun to hang around and I get to learn more things."

That put a smile on the grandma's face and made her chuckle, "I guess you're right. Now let's head to dinner. You can put on shirts. The stitches won't get affected by them."

"Okay, and I heard dinner is almost done. We better hurry." so the two hurried to the table seeing fresh hot food on the table.

This is such a
calm chapter!
I like it! (≧▽≦)

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