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Never had you guessed that it would hurt so much the very next day after straining your legs.

Yeah, right now you were laying on your bed, somehow trying to stand up without having your legs ache like crazy. The smallest movement would cause them to send the signals of pain to your brain.

They hurt as if you had run a marathon yesterday. All the muscles in your legs were screaming when you used them just a bit.

But you still had to go to work, so you gave it your all to get up from your bed and drag your slightly trembling body downstairs.

The numbing pain only let you stagger forward on a very slow pace.

Sometime you came across Vinny.

When he saw you in this state, he changed his direction and came running to you.

And as fast as he was by your side, he also lifted you off the ground.

"You're not going to work today." He emphasized the word 'not' and turned to put you back to bed.

"You'll rest until you feel better." His voice was stern as he grabbed your bedsheet and pulled it all the way up to your chin.

Since you knew that Vinny wouldn't let you go no matter what you said, you didn't even try to convince him and just said, "Can you pass me my phone? It's on my desk."

Vinny did what you had asked him to do and when you had your phone, you messaged one of your co-workers and asked her to take over your shift.

Then you notified your chef by calling him.

"But we're going to be having a whole load of customers. The numbers keep on increasing. Are you sure that you can't work today?"

You looked at Vinny and an idea popped in your head.

"Vinny, do you mind taking over my shift today?"

He wasn't against it and agreed to do it.

And so you told your boss that your boyfriend would replace you.

Since your co-workers had already seen Vinny from a picture you had showed them, they shouldn't he too surprised if he were to show up.

"Thank you Vinny..." You were seriously grateful to him and really wanted to hug him right now.

But since you couldn't move, you spread your arms and signed him with a wave of your hand, that he should come to you in order for you to be able to draw him into a hug.

When Vinny had left, you got bored out of your mind. You had nothing to do than to lay around on your bed.

And so you just browsed in the internet for interesting things.

A face. A familiar one. One that you would recognize immediately upon looking at first glance.

Your boyfriend looked at you and began to say something.

"Do you want to eat something?"

When you slowly sat up, you first blinked a few times before you looked at your surroundings.

The lights were on and it was dark outside.

It seemd that you had slept the day away.

"Yeah." you quickly said since you hadn't answered Vinny yet.

"Thanks Vinny. You really are the best." A smile etched on your lips before you began to eat the, like always, ramen prepared by no one other than Vinny.

"I really hope that my legs will stop hurting tomorrow... Or that the pain ceases a bit so that I can walk properly at the very least."

"Well, it'll probably be the latter. I don't think that they will heal so fast." Vinny commented.

"Sleep and let your legs heal" he said but it wasn't very easy for you to do so.

"I wish I could. But I don't feel tired at all since I've slept the whole day."

"You should try." Vinny left your room, turned off the lights and closed the door behind him, leaving your room dark.

But it didn't help at all. You still couldn't manage to fall asleep.

An hour had passed and you were still up. Totally wide awake, you laid on your bed and stared into the darkness.

A sigh escaped your lips and you closed your eyes again in an attempted to fall asleep.

But it was no good as you just didn't seem to fall asleep.

A quiet noise made you open your eyes again.

Light flooded into the room and soft steps came near you.

"Sorry did I wake you?" Vinny apologised when he saw you with your eyes open.

You quickly shook your head and said, "No you didn't. I just can't seem to be able to sleep."

"Do you want something warm to drink? Maybe it'll help you fall asleep." Vinny slipped his fingers through your hair, his mismatched eyes looking right into yours.

But you shook your head and instead you pat the empty space on your bed and said, "I want you to sleep next to  me tonight. Maybe I can manage to sleep if you do so."

For you it seemd that his red locks were shining in the darkness even though you shouldn't be able to see anything as dark as it was in here. It was as if his hair was a small flame.

You ran your fingers through those locks and the soft feeling of them touching your skin was very calming for you and you eventually fell asleep.

Fateful Encounter  {Vinny Hong X Reader} (Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt