The Interview, The Appointment & The Discovery

Start from the beginning

"Steven is going to do it. If for some reason it dosnt work then I will." Duff answered.

"Okay then. Steven go to the bathroom and get to work." The man joked handing the drummer a cup.

"Maybe Duff should go with him." Izzy joked as the embarrest  drummer left the room. "I think I shall." The man said leaving the room with a playfulness. "Make this go faster." He added with a laugh leaving the room.

The doctor shook his head. "So once I have what I need I'all take this." The man said grabbing a simple plastic tube and holding it up.

"Looks like a turkey baster." Izzy said softly. The man smirked. "Kind of. Anyway I'll use this as thr penis and insert the sperm inside your uteris."

"If Duff dosnt swollow it all first." Izzy half joked. "Izzy!" The girl snapped.

Vince took a breath as Beth fixed his shirt. "You okay baby?" She asked softly. "Hes got this-Right Vince?" Doc asked holding Skylar. "R-Right." The singer muttered unsure.

Rebel walked into the studio with Raya in her arms with Erik following.

She paused seeing Brandi with Joanna and Gunner. But there was another woman in the room with two children.

Brandi was talking up a storm with the mistery girl as the children played together in the floor. Nikki, Tommy, Mick amd John were all in the booth working over a song.

"Who that mommy?" The small boy asked. "N-Not sure. Maybe someone Tommy's with?" She answered. "Rebel!" Joanna called making everyone notice the singer and her children.

"Hey kiddo." She muttered hugging Nikki's oldest. "Hey who's that girl?" She whispered. "Uncle Johns wife."

Okay since when did Joanna call him Uncle?

And since when was the singer married with kids?

Did she really know nothing about him?

John sighed looking over the song .

Tonight there's gonna be a fight so if you need a place to go. We got two roofs long and the cops dont ever show. So come on in cause everybody sins. Welcome to the scene of the crime.

You want it? You need it? The devil hes a friend of mine.

We are we are the saints we signed ars lives away. Dosnt matter what you think im gonna do it anyway. We are we are tue saints its time you confess to the saints of los angeles

"You okay dude?" Tommy asked. John sighed. "Yea its just... Tommy this song seems like something Vince should sing."

Tommy scoffed. "Why?" Nikki asked looking the man over. "Its about motley." John answered simply.

"And your in Motley." Tommy said with a look. John sighed. "Its about the real Motley. Just like Going out Swing'in. Both songs include Vince guys. You cant tell me Saints isnt about you four signing your lives away. Your music rights all of it." John said. Nikki glared at Mick.

"You wrote that one!" He snapped. "And Johns right. Its about Barbie just as much as its about me, Tommy and you."

Nikki sighed. "And no offense Nikki but i'm not comfortable singing about what you and your wife do in bed. Animal in me is kinda not m-." Nikki scoffed. "I never said it was about me or my wife!" Tommy lost it laughing. "Dude you wrote treat me like the dog I am! I think Johns got it right." The drummer snickered.

Mick rolled his eyes. "Its the Dog I am T-Bone, get it right!" Nikki snapped playfully. "You wrote Punched in the teeth by love. A very twisted tale of what really hapepned in your last relationship!"

Saints of Los Angeles (A Mötley Crüe Family Est.1981 sequel)Where stories live. Discover now