
Everyone was not stood outside the burrow recovering from aperating from the villa. The weather in England was noting like sunny Greece. It was raining and most of the group were in shorts, So everyone ran inside. 

"Your home, aww my babies." Molly said as she ran up to the group "ARTHUR THE KIDS ARE HOME! " 

Molly hugged us all individually and we all headed to our rooms to get changed into something more warm. Rhiannon had followed Jamie into her room and the pair had gotten change and were just chilling.

"Jamie West what is that." Rhiannon gasped.

"What's what?" Jamie asked confused.

"That." Rhiannon pointed at Jamie's neck.

Jamie looked in the mirror. She could see the big purple bruise on her neck. "That little shit. He did this morning I didn't even notice." 

"I though he was on a sex ban." Rhiannon asked

"He is. He most probs did this cause I said we wasn't going to do it. He did it while we were kissing. Do you know the spell to cover it?" Jamie really hoped Rhiannon knew the spell as she didn't want Molly to see it. 

"No sorry." Rhi said while there was a knock at the door and the twins walked in.

"shit." Jamie said under her breath Rhiannon heard her and smiled.

"Hi girls." George said as he sat next to Rhiannon.

"Hi George." Jamie said. 

"Hello babe." Fred said to Jamie as he sat next to her.

"Hi." Jamie responded and Fred knew he had pissed Jamie off.

"Wow Jam your neck." George said making Fred move Jamie's hair away from her neck. He made a face letting Jamie know he knew why she was pissed.

"I know a spell. Don't be so pissed at me." Fred said as he cast a spell and the bruise disappeared.

"Thank you." Jamie said to Fred giving him a kiss.

"I though you put him on a sex ban?" George said.

"I did" , "She did." Jamie and Fred said at the same time.


It was dinner time and everyone was sat at the table in their normal spots.

"So how was the trip?" Molly asked.

"Amazing." Harry said.

"Me , Rhi , Harry and Ginny went hiking  and saw so many amazing things." George told his mum.

"Me and Jamie went to the market and watched the sun set." Fred said.

"I got you some things from the market Molly and Fred got some things for Arthur." Jamie said.

"I chilled at the villa in the pool." Hermione told Molly.

"So did I, I just wanted to chill. The pool had a amazing view."  Ron told his mum.

"Ron saw Jamie's boobs." Ginny laughed out loud. Jamie and Ron went red.

"I didn't need to know that Ginny." Molly said knowing that Ron and Jamie was uncomfortable."So you all had a good time." 

"Yes." Everyone one replied. 

The rest of dinner was eaten with small chatter about the holiday.  After dinner Jamie helped Molly clean up. 

"It's nice to see that you all enjoyed yourselves." Molly told Jamie.

"It was so fun. I'm sorry Ginny told you about Ron and you know. Fred pulled my bikini string and Ron was there." Jamie told Molly.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now