Chapter 15

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If Psyche had been paying attention, she might have noticed a pair of sandaled feet behind the curtain near the window. Eros, feeling beyond ridiculous, had hidden himself there to watch how his future wife would take the news of their marriage. He still didn't fully understand why Psyche, a mortal woman, had been able to see him when he had entered her bedroom. Mortals were not supposed to be able to see him and as far as he knew, no other mortal ever had been able to see him unless he willed it.

This thought made his heart beat a little faster in his chest. He knew well his arrows created love but that love could not be sustained if the parties involved didn't lay a foundation of affection. The fact that Psyche could see him intrigued Eros, and he looking forward to knowing her. Certainly, he looked forward to knowing her physically and utilizing his rather extensive skill set to give her pleasure, but he also knew that sex was most enhanced by love and affection. He had resolved to make sure Psyche felt both for him before consummating the marriage.

As he listened to her conversation with her parents, he had been both touched and impressed by the courage Psyche had shown, and he looked forward to giving her a life that was far more comfortable and pleasurable than she could possibly imagine.

He quietly ascended the stairs behind her, determined to watch her for as long as he could without it getting creepy and stalkerish.


As she began rummaging through her closet for favorite dresses and through her drawer for a few pieces of jewelry, including the garnet ring given to her by Nikolas for her fifteenth birthday, she realized that despite the luxury of her life, she was actually attached to very few of her possessions. She took a book of poetry dedicated to the Goddess Inana, the clothes, the jewelry, and a drawing of herself and Nikolas.

She finally decided on all the things she would take, and so she sat down at her desk with her quill in hand and pen a letter to Nikolas.

Her mind raced with a thousand thoughts, but in the end, she wrote the following:

Dear Nikolas,

I will miss you. If I can visit you or correspond with you, I will do so. Thank you for everything.



She crept out of her room and climbed the stairs to the observatory, knowing full well this might be the last time she ever spent time in this tower, where she had spent the happiest hours of her life.

She placed the parchment on Nikolas's desk and moved to turn around. Instead, she decided to examine the stars once more through the telescope, making a careful map of each one, and making notes of the star's color and size.

Somehow, she hoped she would be able to use these notes to determine the location of her new home, where ever it was. Just the knowledge of how far and in what direction she had been taken would help her, she thought.

She carefully folded this parchment and descended the stairs toward her room. She tucked the parchment in her bag. Just then, she heard a noise and looked up to see Eugenia and Euphemia standing in the doorway.

Eugenia looked beautiful, clad in purple silk, her black hair tied back in a severe bun. Psyche had heard Eugenia had been terrorizing everyone at her husband's estate - so much so that some of the less-educated servants speculated that Eugenia was some kind of demon sent as punishment to them.

Funny thing, thought Psyche, I've always thought that she was some kind of demon sent to punish me.

"So, my dear sister," said Eugenia, "I hear you have decided to sacrifice yourself willingly in marriage to a monster."

Psyche looked her sister straight in the eye.

"Because it will benefit our people, I will go willingly," she replied smoothly, "but I have not heard that my future husband is a monster. Only an immortal."

Euphemia, round and pregnant with her first child, snickered. "But didn't you hear? You are to be blindfolded when they come to get you tomorrow. Why would they do that, except to make sure you don't run or faint in terror?"

Psyche tilted her head. "I do not know," she replied, "Perhaps because they don't wish me to know the location where I am to be brought. But whatever the case may be, I will go willingly. I will keep my word to our father."

Eugenia approached her and placed a cold kiss on her cheek. "Oh my poor, baby sister, you tell yourself that if it is easier."

Psyche knew Eugenia hated her. Nikolas had warned her many times, and yet, Psyche was almost glad of her current terrible circumstances simply because of the pleasure she was giving her sister. As near as she could remember, Psyche could not remember ever seeing Eugenia so happy about anything. The fact that Eugenia seemed genuinely pleased about anything fascinated Psyche, and she hoped that her sister's good mood would translate into a respite for Eugenia's put-upon servants.

Euphemia wasn't exactly happy, it was more like she was amused and seemed to enjoy looking at Psyche with pity in her eyes. On that score, Psyche had to admit that turnabout was fair play. She couldn't remember a time in her life when she hadn't looked upon Euphemia with pity. She had always maintained it was far better to be an object of Eugenia's rage and hatred rather than her chosen toady.

"I'll tell myself whatever I like," replied Psyche finally, still in Eugenia's embrace, "and soon, you will no longer have to worry what I think about anything. I shall be far away from both of you."

Euphemia rubbed her nose and sniffled, but not because she was crying. She had allergies.

"We'll miss you. . .we so enjoy seeing what you and Nikolas are up to all the time. He's going to miss you, too," she blubbered.

"Of that, we can agree, Euphemia," Psyche replied. 

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