The Dream team made a brilliant fighting trio; their different fighting expertise made for an inclusive dynamic and each were in tune with the others.

With his eagle eyes, George spotted a dark shape sprint swiftly through the trees. When he saw it again, he also spotted a red trimmed hood and glowing eyes.

It couldn't be him. No way. George tried to dismis the vision.

Unfortunately, the vision didn't seem to like being pushed to the side, and planted a firm foot in George's mind. To distract himself, the mutated tried to focus on the senses around him. George could feel sweat slick on his skin despite the cold, and a slight stench of blood was beginning to rise. He could almost taste it.

Thankfully none of them had really sustained any injuries given there were always two people that could defend on the others behalf.

Distracting himself might have worked, but Dream now drew the other's attention because he too had seen the figure. It was Halo. Of course it was.

And that's when it clicked: what other mysterious mutated would order a raid on the tree house and SBI right at the time the Dream Team was there? Halo must've been the one behind this. George looked into his friend's eyes and saw the same dawning realisation.

Would Halo ever stop terrorising them? If any of the three encountered Halo face-to-face today - what would happen?

The aforementioned SBI were not having such an enlightening time. Technoblade had claimed a few lives already, and Wilbur was nearby him. They didn't speak as Techno dealt with the close range enemies and Wilbur provided cover fire whenever needed. Luckily for them both, Wilbur didn't seem to be phasing out that often.

Technoblade wouldn't say he was entirely happy to be killing again, because it was something he wished to put behind him when he ran away. The smell of fresh blood was sickening, and the feel of cracking bone more so. Despite this, Techno was good at it and would protect his family at all costs. If he had to kill to do that - so be it.

Finally, one opponent managed to deliver a blow to the almost invincible warrior. Her sword cut a burning line in Techno's arm and he was forced to drop his wepon. Hot blood seeped from the wound and dribbled down the pig man's limb, creating splotched patterns in the light dusting of snow that remained on the forest floor.

With a toothy grin, Technoblade mentally congratulated this woman who had managed to harm him - before grabbing her to snap her neck. Hey, Technoblade didn't only know how to use a sword.


Technoblade huffed and scanned the battle field to find this unfortunate soul that had drawn attention to himself. Instead, he saw something that made his chest tighten.

Some bastard had Wilbur at axe point. Obviously threatening to kill the ghost boy if Techno didn't let the woman go. He didn't hesitate, and the woman pulled away quickly.

"So, even monsters have a soft spot do they?" The man smiled, but it had as much warmth as a block of ice. He nodded to some people around Technoblade, who could only glare as his hands were bound.

"Techno, don't let them-!"

The man pushed the axe right up to Wilbur's chest. "Shut up mob. Your friend is smart to cooperate. Well, maybe not that smart-"

Technoblade tensed as the man said, "-He is only a pig afterall," and plunged the axe into Wilbur.

The mutated fell like a stack of bricks and Technoblade saw the light leave his eyes before he even hit the ground. Then he saw nothing but a red film of rage over his eyes.

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