She was Ayonima, Yeonjun's partner.

[@Armymoa67 (◠‿◕)]
[started mentioning.. stay tuned to see your name]

"Annyeong...",said Ayonima.
"Okay so since many have already arrived let's start the party....",said Jungkook.

Jungkook sided away a little as some of the amazing dancers from the Park Studios danced, entertaining everyone..

"Where's Tae..?!!",asked Jungkook to both Alpine and Jimin.
"I heard he's coming with a surprise..",said Alpine
"Where's his surprise?!!!",said Jungkook getting frustrated

(trusfrated I mean XD).

"Ayo....",said a tall man with an intense gaze and a heavenly handsome face, dancing among the ladies on the stage.
"What's this?!",said Jimin

"So that's the one I'm going to be in a deal with...",said Jin
"Looks very rich...",said Hoseok
"Hey there's Polo.",said Yoongi

Apparently Polo was Taehyung's plus one.

The party raged high with many getting heavily drunk. Jin had no interest in it. After quite some while, all the couples danced to romantic songs..

Jin moved away from them and walked to the seating chairs. He felt lonely. Yoongi played the Piano, he got that after a long time and Hoseok danced on his own, an amazing one.

Jin missed Y/n more. Only if Jungkook and Alpine knew, maybe they would never add Romance...

Trisha noticed Jin walking away. Trisha also had no one to dance with, so she went to him, maybe she could ask him for a dance.

"Hey..",said Jin looking up a little and forcing a fake smile.
"You don't have a partner to dance...?"
"No actually..."
"Well maybe we could dance... I'm just saying. It's not like you have to. I, I just don't have a partner as well..."
"Oh I would surely like to dance but it's just that my ankle hurts so I'm not dancing..."
"Oh... Okay, you should rest then. I'll Maybe ask someone among the dancers to dance..."

Jin didn't say anything further. He just gave a weak smile which Trisha very well understood wasn't genuine. Trisha felt that it was not Jin's ankle that hurt, it was his heart aching for someone..

"Oh.. maybe he just wants his girlfriend to dance with him. But why does he always get teary? And what were Yoongi and Jin talking of earlier today in the morning?", thought Trisha.

Trisha saw Yoongi getting up from the Piano as a profesional pianist came to play instead.

Trisha went to Yoongi.

"Hey Yoongi, can we talk a little, Please...?",said Trisha
"Yeah sure tell..",said Yoongi
"So you're Jin's manager...right?"
"You look younger than him...."
"I am. By three months..",Yoongi laughed at the end, showing his gummy smile.
"Oh.. okay umm so what I had to say you was.....",Trisha paused at the end of the sentence, still trying to collect all that she had to say and also thinking if asking personal questions was a good choice...
"I wanted to say, is everything fine with Jin?",Trisha finally asked Yoongi
"Umm.. I don't exactly get that? Is he not?"
"No I mean... He's always out of the company.. alone.."
"Oh! he likes staying alone.."
"Is is that much only?"
"Yes. Why you're asking though?"
"Yoongi Please be honest with me..."
"I am being honest. Why do you think I would be lying?"
"Because he's not just spending some time to himself but crying to his heart. I can understand that from his eyes. He said his ankle hurts so he's not dancing but it was visible to me that he was crying inside. He's broken..."
"Umm...",Yoongi gulped nervously
"Don't hide from me please. You guys didn't just come for buisness, did you? If it was so, he would have spoken to all those buisness men and women standing or sitting here. You're here for something else right? You can tell me. I have a lot of sources here. Maybe I can help..."

"How did she guess everything right just by looking at Hyung? Only Y/n was capable enough of reading his mind, except of me.", thought Yoongi

"How do you understand so much?",asked Yoongi
"I just do. Lemme guess. He's missing someone?",said Trisha
"How? Just how?"
"I have lost people in life. I don't want someone else as well.."
"Whom did you lose?"
"Someone I loved. I don't remember his name or face but a sentence he said. I don't hope to get him back. It's been over 20 years since I saw him. He must love someone else now. He might even have a family. I just hope he's happy even if that's not me who's making him happy...",said Trisha with a forced smile and tears..
"Umm.. it's something similar to Jin as well. He lost his childhood girlfriend. He till day loves her. She was the one who saved him. We haven't found her since 25 years now.",said Yoongi
"What? He too?"
"Yes. And my heart says she's here."
"You know anything about her?"
"Yes. She should be around 27 or 28 now. She was a little younger than Jin Hyung. I remember her face. The one she had when she was a baby..."
"Okay so do you have any pictures of her?",asked Trisha suddenly wiping her tears.
"No I don't have her photos but I can describe her baby face.",said Yoongi
"Then tomorrow early in the morning meet me at my place. It's on the 8th floor at the same apartment as Aries. I'll ask my student Beomgyu to draw that baby face. I'm sure I can get as much as information possible..."
"I actually needed someone to help me search as well.."
"Yes I will help. Maybe I'll never be able to find my love but since he remembers her, I'll get her to him...."
"We have to find her before we go back.."
"You don't remember much about your love but he remembers everything, every touch, every word, every moment they spent together and that's why, missing her for so many years have led him to get tormented at the very thought of never getting her. His mental condition is deteriorating severely. He lost her on 15th May. His doctor said that if we don't get her back to him or make him forget about her by 15th May this year, he's gonna get a cervical damage, leading to paralysis or worse like going into a coma or maybe even dieing..."
"What? We don't have any time at all then.. okay don't panick. I'll do my best."
"I'm not panicking but breaking inside. I have no one other than him. I lost my dad on the same day as he lost her. We still hope she's alive but I saw dad die..."
"I'm sorry for your loss.."
"Don't be. Just help me in not losing whom I have. I can't bring the dead one back but I hope I can keep the living..."
"You will..."
"Yes. I will help you all to get her...."
"Her name was Y/n....."

"Y/n...? Why's this name feel so familiar to me? Do I by any chance know her? Then that would be great...", thought Trisha

"Okay. I will help you all get....



Hey guys
I'm sorry for the late update but as I had said,
I was a little busy with exams

I still have many to go.

I'm still not sure when I'll give the next chapter.

Thank you for following the book till now.

I lob you..

And today's question of the chapter..

What do you think, will they find
Y/n on time or lose Jin?

Stay tuned.
Don't forget to vote

Bye until next time.

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