Those Three Words

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Scarlett Johnson

"Wait, what do you mean you have a date?"

Noah asked me in a shushed tone, his eyes wide as we both stood in his bedroom pretending to be doing math homework.

"Matt asked me out, what else was I supposed to say?"

I questioned as I kept my voice low, Noah's eyes seemed to have turned into balls of fiery as he stared me down.

"I don't know, no maybe would have worked!"

He told me, he ran a hand through his thick brown hair and began to pace the room.

"Noah, he's our friend."

I started, but he quickly cut me off.

"Ya, a friend that obviously thinks of you in a different way."

He told me, my eyes drifted to the floor, I couldn't believe Noah was acting like this, it wasn't a date.

Well at least I didn't think about it that way.

"Noah, maybe this is a good thing."

I told him quietly, I finally looked up to see him with a worried look on his handsome face.

"Wait are we breaking up?"

He asked me in a rush, I quickly shook my head and smiled.

"No Noah, of course not. I was just going to say if it looks like you and I are seeing other people, others won't get suspicious."

I told him, I slowly approached him and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his chin.

"Ya I guess that would take some attention away from us."

He whispered softly, I smiled and kissed his lips gently.

"And maybe I could do this a lot more."

He whispered seductively in my ear which caused me to blush.

"Ya, maybe you could."

I whispered back before his lips were on mine again.

He held onto my waist and backed me up so my legs hit his bed, I fell onto my back only to have him land on top of me seconds later.

I tried to keep my giggles to a minimum, as he tickled at my armpits and down my sides.

"Shawn! Stop!"

I squealed out, he froze for a minute above me his eyes stared into mine.


He whispered, I gave him a funny look and giggled on.


I asked as I placed my hands on his chest to hold him in place.

He paused for a moment his eyes melted into mine, he spoke in a serious tone.

"I love you."

He whispered, I stopped laughing and froze along with him.

He said the three words I thought I'd never hear from any guy, he had finally said them.

"I love you too Noah."

I whispered back after a moment of silence, he smiled the brightest smile I'd ever seen and he leaned in and crashed his lips onto mine.

Radiating in happiness we both lied there in silence, tracing each others skin with our fingertips, Noah kissed my neck every once in a while.

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