Night of Jingle Ball

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Noah Campbell

         "Hey, I'm going to call Maya to tell her I made it."

Scarlett told me quietly, she headed for the door and exited into the hallway.

I leaned back on the couch and ran a hand through my hair.

Scarlett's phone had been going off ever since she had arrived, and I already knew it was her Mom, Shannon.

I froze and realized that I hadn't checked my phone for the past hour since Scarlett had gotten here.

I quickly pulled it out and flicked the screen on, over twenty messages from my Dad and Shannon, along with seventeen missed calls.

Dad: Noah, answer your phone now.

Shannon: please call us!

Dad: I am very disappointed in you, first lying and now this?

Dad: I thought I raised you better.

I only read through some of them, my Dad sounded like he was totally disowning me right then and there.

I quickly sent him a text back, not really knowing if anything I said would fix it.

Noah: I'm sorry Dad, and I hope one day you'll forgive me... I love you.

After sending the text Scarlett entered the room, she slid her cell into her pocket and crossed the room.

She took a seat again beside me and rested her head on my shoulder.

"They've been texting."

She sighed out, I nodded and kissed her temple softly, she met my gaze.

"What are we going to do?"

I asked, she closed her eyes and placed her hand on my chest.

"You're going to get up on that stage and do what you love, and your not going to worry about anything."

She told me quietly causing me to laugh, I ran a hand through her soft hair and kissed her head again.

"And I'm going to watch my hunky boyfriend do what he loves on stage."

She whispered making my cheeks turn hot.

"I love you..."

I whispered in her ear, she opened her eyes again to meet mine, oh she had such beautiful eyes.

"I love you too Campbell..."

She whispered back, she buried her face into the side of my neck and sighed.

"Promise me we'll go away tonight, just the two of us."

She asked me, I wrapped my arms around her and held onto her tightly.

"I promise."

I whispered just before John entered the room.

"Noah, its show time!"

He stated excitingly, Scarlett lifted her head from my chest and kissed my cheek lightly.

"Break a leg!"

She said jokingly before I pecked her forehead.

"Will do my love!"

I replied back.

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