
23 1 0

Scarlett Johnson

"Hey Mom, I was going to go out for a walk."

   I told my Mom after I had entered the kitchen, she was at the stove cooking some eggs.

   "Alright honey,"

she said.

"Oh, we are actually all going out for dinner tonight as a family."

   She added as I grabbed my old jean jacket from the hook beside the garage door.


   I asked her, my Mom turned around, spatula in hand a grin on her face.

   "Because, that's what families do."

   She told me with a laugh, I nodded and slid into my jacket.

   "Okay, well I'll be back in an hour. Maybe less."

   I said quietly before I pulled the door open and left.

    Once outside I stuffed my hands into my jacket pockets, and started down the sidewalk.

    A cool breeze whipped through my long golden brown hair as I walked at a constant speed to an unknown destination.

   My mind started to drift towards Noah, I had to make up my mind about him.

    If I were to say yes, and end up being with him.

  Then I'd have the risk of endangering the entire family with my actions.

  If anyone found out, things wouldn't be all that great anymore.

   Positives to that would be, Noah.

   He'd be mine and I'd be his, and that's what every teen girl wanted, love.

   To be in love, well that's a whole different kind of story.

     If I said no to this, Noah and I would most likely not have any relationship to manage at all and everything would be done between the two of us.

     I knew what I had to do, the answer was in front of me, literally right in front of me.

   I ended up at the park down the street to see Noah sitting on a swing, his head low and his eyes stared at the wood chips below him.

   I slowly approached him, I didn't even know he had left the house.

   I took a seat on the swing beside him, he finally noticed me and he looked over at me a little startled.

    "How'd you know I was here?"

   He questioned, I smiled at him which led him to grin.

   "I didn't... I just somehow ended up here."

  I told him quietly, he chuckled softly.

  "What are you doing here?"

   I asked, his eyes drifted around our surroundings as he spoke.

    "I like to come here, just to think you know?"

  He said, I nodded and dug my feet around in the wood chips.


   I asked, he looked back over at me, a serious look on his face.


  He asked in a whisper, I started to lean towards him.

  I was terrified of what I was about to do, but I knew it was what I wanted. 

   He got what I was getting at and he met me halfway.

       My lips brushed slowly up against his at first, his hand trailed up to my face and he leaned in to deepen the kiss.

   I could feel him smiling which made it that much sweeter.

   Butterflies released in my stomach as we stayed there for awhile, the entire world was frozen.

   When he pulled back I opened my eyes to see him smiling the brightest smile I'd ever seen.

    "I can see you've made up your mind."

   He whispered, I grinned.

  "Shut up and kiss me again..."

  I told him quietly, he leaned in for a second round which led me to giggle.

   After he pulled away again I ran my hands through his thick brown hair.

   "I guess I have..."

I whispered, he smiled and I blushed.

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