"Where is She?"

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Noah Campbell

I woke to the sound of an obnoxious beeping noise that was on repeat.

   I slowly opened my eyes unsure of where I was and I was blinded by the sudden bright light that surrounded me.

  Once my eyes focused they drifted around the room, at first I was confused.

Then it all came back to me.

I was walking home from school when my beautiful girlfriend decided to walk ahead, she didn't look both ways, why didn't she look both ways?

    I remembered screaming telling her to watch out, I ran as fast as my feet could carry me and shoved her off of the road.

Crush, the sound of my body being smashed by the car was all I could hear, I quickly shook my head in attempt to erase the on going movie in my brain.

Suddenly a women entered my room, she looked surprised to see that I was  up and alert.

"Mr. Campbell, how do you feel?"

  She asked me, I scanned my body moving each of my limbs.

   Nothing seemed to be broken, but I could tell a few of my ribs were bruised, maybe even cracked.

"I'm fine."

  I told her after a moment, she nodded and pulled a clipboard off the edge of my bed, she found a pen and scribbled a few things down.

"Your parents are here, would you like me to go and get them?"

  She questioned, I nodded.

She began to turn for the door, but I quickly stopped her.

"What about Scarlett?"

   I quickly asked, she looked at me a little confused.

"My girl- umm my sister, she came in with me, where is she?"

  I asked her, I started to choke on my words out of worry.

"I'll go find out for you once I get your family."

  She said sincerely, I nodded and leaned my head back against my pillow.

   I closed my eyes and ran my hands through my hair, everything was alright.

Everything would be fine.

"Oh my god, Noah!"

  I heard my Mom call, I opened my eyes to see my Mom and Dad enter the room, Maya at my Dads side holding his hand.

   My Mom ran over to me and sat beside me, she quickly embraced me in a gentle hug.

"Mom? What are you doing here?"

  I asked surprised to see her, it had been awhile since the divorce.

"Your Dad called, Noah I'm your Mother and I love you. Are you okay sweetie, what happened?"

   She went on ranting, I listened and tried my best to answer all of her questions with the state my mind was in at the moment.

"Mom... I'm fine, just a few bumps and bruises."

    I told her, she eyed me up and down as she studied the cuts on my face to my bruised arms.

I explained to them what had happened, and how everything was fine until we arrived at the stop sign on Adelaide Street.

Once I was done explaining I paused and waited a moment before speaking.

"Where is she? Is she okay?"

  I asked, my Mom gave me a weird look and glanced over at my Dad.

"I'll go get her."

  Maya spoke up, my Mom actually glared in her direction before meeting my eyes again, I ignored it.

"I'm just glad you're alright."

   She whispered as she placed her hand on my cheek, I smiled lightly, her hand landed on mine moments later.

Maya disappeared out the door, and we all waited in silence for Scarlett to arrive, my nerves climbed up a never ending ladder.

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