''You think I'm handsome, Adelaide?'' I feel my cheeks heat up as he says that. Slowly I let myself look up from the floor, and then I find his dark eyes already looking at me. And once again, there isn't a single emotion being shown on his face.

Do I answer him with confidence, and tell him what I really think? Or do I make up an excuse.. He would probably see through any lie I could come up with, but I could try.. My lips slowly part, as he continues to look at me. It's like when he looks at me, I feel like he stares directly into my soul. I feel like I swallow a big lump, before I finally get myself to answer him. ''I think you're beautiful''

His eyes widen a bit, before returning to normal. ''I-I think it's time for you to leave now''

''I still need a new book to read, one that won't bore me to death'' I say. I need a reason to come back here.

The sound of something hitting the floor can be heard, making me snap my head in that direction. ''That one..'' I hear him say, as I pick the book up from the floor. Once I look back up, he's standing with his back towards me, his front facing the window.

He looks tense, and I take that this is my que to leave before I make him angry with me.

I close the doors to what I guess I can call my bedroom now, seeing as I've been here for longer than I thought. And then there's also the fact that I don't know how to come back home, not that it's even a possibility after what happened.. But somehow I feel more at home here, than I ever did back there.

I let myself fall back against the bed, with a deep sigh escaping my lips. Somehow I don't think that I made Lucifer angry, or annoyed at me again. But then what? What did I do, in order for him to tell me to leave? Was it because I told him that I found him beautiful? I bet a ton of people have already told him that.

Closing my eyes, I let my mind imagine him in front of me. I bet once you get underneath the surface of the cold persona he puts on, he's a wonderful man. Maybe one day I can get to see that side. I saw a small piece of that side of him today, when that faint smile was on his lips. I feel something trace my cheek, and down to my jaw. But this doesn't feel like my imagination playing tricks on me.

I open my eyes. ''Hello little one'' And with that being said, I'm met by the famous signature Hades smirk.

I widen my eyes at this little surprise. ''Hades! I'm so sorry''

He looks confused down at me. ''Sorry for what?''

''For getting mad at you..''

''Oh.. That's alright, it's all in the past. Let's not focus on that'' He quickly tells me, as he lays down beside me.

I turn onto my side, so I can face him. ''Do you always invade other people's space like this?'' I ask him

His lips pull into a grin, and then in a swift motion he grabs a hold of my body and then I'm laying on top of him. ''No, only yours.. Now let's continue our little questioning game, i'll even let you go first''

I look down at him, trying to push myself up by placing my hands on his chest so that we aren't that close. ''What is your favorite color''

''I think I like blue today, that color looks good on you'' His eyes skim over my dress, making me blush further.

''Where did you get that book from?'' He asks me, making me look at the book beside us.

''I borrowed it from Lucifer'' I tell him.

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