Chapter 14a: The Summer Festival (pt 1)

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"Are you ready yet?"

Jessica turned around and gave Olivia an exasperated look, but the girl only grinned back impertinently.

"It takes a lady a good deal of time to get ready," she explained as she turned back to the mirror and tried to get her long hair to stay in something that at least resembled a decent chignon. The blonde tresses seemed to be of a different mind and kept sliding away from the hairpins she was fastidiously trying to fasten it with.

"I never took you for someone who would primp," Olivia said as she leaned back against the pillows in Jessica's bed, taking a bite of an apple.

"I'm not," she grumbled. "But I gave my maid the day off to visit her poorly brother and now I don't seem to get my hair up."

"You could borrow my maid, you know." Olivia gave her an amused look as she lost the grip of her hair and it all cascaded down her back.

"Very well, please send for her." She gave up. There was no way she could get her hair to obey today. It was true that she wasn't overly concerned about the way she looked, but she couldn't deny she liked to look good. Especially when Jacob was around. She made a face as the thought popped into her mind.

They were getting ready to go into Bridlewood for the summer festival, and for some reason, she was nervous about it. Ever since their last meeting in the garden a few days ago, Jacob had made himself scarce and didn't seem to want to spend any time alone with her. He'd even stopped bursting into her room at nighttime, something she kept telling herself was a good thing, yet she somehow missed their nightly chats. If he hadn't mentioned to Olivia that morning that he was still planning to come along to Bridlewood, she would have thought he wasn't going. She was torn between wanting to see him and wishing that he'd stay behind.

Olivia's maid arrived a few moments later and quickly gathered her hair in a neat coiffure. Shrugging, Jessica supposed that her hair needed a professional touch, but was just glad that it had finally succumbed. Taking Olivia's arm, they went downstairs together and to the waiting coach that was going to take them into Bridlewood. Jacob would meet them in the village, having gone there on his horse earlier.

"You know," Olivia said as they were sitting in the moving carriage. "I saw the oddest thing the other night."

Jessica gave the younger woman a curious look. "Yes?"

"Well..." She hesitated a moment, looking uncertain whether or not she should really tell, but then seemed to decide. "I couldn't sleep, so I was going to sneak down to the kitchen and get some milk. But when I was going down the hallway, I could have sworn I saw Jacob."

"That's not so odd. I think he sleeps very little. I'm not surprised he'd be out prowling the halls at night."

"I know that." Olivia met her eyes. "The odd thing was that he was standing outside your door, and I could have sworn he was just about to enter when he cursed and abruptly left."

Jessica frowned, an odd feeling appearing in her stomach. "What time was this?"

"It was quite late." Olivia thought for a moment. "Past midnight for certain."

Jacob had never visited her room that late before, and she would most definitely have been sleeping. The thought of him standing outside her room at that hour sent a rush of heat through her body. Had he wanted to enter? Did he sometimes lie awake in bed thinking about her the way she did him?

"You're not having an affair with him, are you?" Olivia suddenly asked, and her serious tone made her laugh, even while she could feel her cheeks flush.

"Most definitely not!" she said. "In case you have not noticed, Jacob and I aren't particularly fond of each other."

Olivia looked at her for a moment. "I'm not so sure..."

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