She worked for him now?

Elyse's gaze sharpened like knives. The man's admission felt like a slap in the face. Her theory hadn't been wrong, and she didn't know whether to feel furious at him or at herself for being such a pinche tonta. Fucking fool. She should've never left New York. She should've never come to Switzerland.

He grinned and continued, "My name cannot be associated with someone who dresses in rags."

Her expression grew stormier. The audacity of this man was outrageous, but she refused to let emotion rule her head. Elyse quickly shoved the bra and panties back inside her suitcase. Away from his prying eyes. With some effort, she also shoved aside her anger and embarrassment to focus on the task at hand, which was to secure her bearings in this precarious situation.

"Tell me the truth, have you been propositioning me through Mr. Schmid?"

The response he gave was evasive. "You seem upset, Dr. Romero."

"I'm very upset," she agreed. "You used your lawyer to deceive me."

The man didn't deny anything.

He simply deflected, "Was the salary not to your liking? We can renegotiate the numbers if you are interested in taking on... a few more responsibilities... in addition to your current duties."

Elyse eyed him warily. His demeanor seemed very business-like. Not a single word in his statement sounded out of place or improper, but there was something risque about the way he paused before and after the phrase "a few more responsibilities" that left Elyse with a pulse between her legs.

"I'm not looking to take on additional responsibilities," she declared gruffly.

"That is a shame," he uttered, this time, in blatantly sexual tones, "because I had a few positions in mind that might have been... enjoyable... for you to try out."

Elyse grit her teeth. He was doing it again, goading her, pushing her buttons. Elyse refused to be led astray by him.

She stayed the course. "Earlier, Malina mentioned someone to me by the name of Mr. Vitale. Are you... Mr. Vitale?"

He avoided her question. "You look so tense, angelo. This distresses me. What can I do to ease your mind?"

"I want to know who the fuck you are and what you intend to do with me."

"My name is Alessandro Vitale," he finally confirmed, "and you are going to be my private physician, Dr. Romero."

Her temples started to ache.

No, no, no—

She wasn't okay with this turn of events. She didn't give up a perfectly good job at New York Community Hospital only to land deeper in the mafia's trenches.

Elyse closed her eyes. "I need to resign."

"Why? You have barely arrived. Do not make a rash decision that you will regret later."

Elyse's eyes opened as her mouth flattened into a resolute line. "I still think I need to resign."

A grim look crossed Alessandro's handsome features.

"But what about Stefano Russo?" he prompted quietly. "What about your father's debts?"

His knowledge about Papá's situation caught her off guard. Elyse's green eyes grew wide with panic. The man must have done some digging into her past. He was obviously aware of her ties to Stefano. It seemed he knew about her father, too.

Was the bastard going to use this information to blackmail her?

Probably. He was part of Cosa Nostra, after all. Blackmailing and strong-arming the weak and powerless was pretty much their bread and butter. Elyse reminded herself that Alessandro was no different from devils like Stefano. The man was a devil in prettier packaging, but he was still a devil, nonetheless.

She glared at him. "You're threatening me."

"No," he countered in surprisingly gentle tones, "I am merely reminding you that I can offer some protection."

"I don't need your protection."

"I can give you money."

"I don't need your money, either."

"You do not want to reclaim your freedom?"

Alessandro's words struck a chord in her. A painful one.

How did he know that freedom was the one thing she desired most?

It was also the one thing she could never have. Not with Stefano around. Not with her father's debts to be repaid. Elyse's shoulders slumped as though she no longer harbored the strength to carry these burdens.

Yearning glimmered from her eyes. "There's no such thing as freedom from men like you or Stefano."

He grimaced. "You are breaking my heart, angelo. The tragedy upon your lovely face grieves me. I would move mountains and part the seas. Just to see you smile once more."

Alessandro's flowery words sounded utterly absurd, of course, but the passion in his eyes tugged at her heartstrings. Elyse tried to contain her emotions. "I don't need anyone to move mountains for me. I only wish to be left alone. To live my life in peace."

"And I only wish to help you, angelo. You can trust me."

For some reason, his soft words hardened her resolve. Her defenses kicked in.

"Trust you?" Elyse laughed harshly. "I'll probably end up with a bullet in my brain."

"You will definitely get yourself killed," Alessandro retorted, "if you continue working with Stefano Russo and his men. I am trying to give you a way out."

With a raised eyebrow, she inquired, "Why do you care so much about whether I live or die?"

He smiled tightly. "A life for a life, angelo. I always repay my debts."

Elyse's resolve wavered a little.

Was he speaking the truth?

Could his agenda be so simplistic?

She had once saved his life, so, now, he wished to return the favor?

It seemed unlikely.

Just then, Alessandro spoke up again, drawing Elyse's attention from her spiraling thoughts.

"Do not let pride stand in the way of your well-being."

Elyse muttered, "What do you know about my well-being?"

Alessandro suddenly gazed upon her as one might look at a lover. Foolishly, Elyse felt her heart quicken inside her chest.

In seemingly sincere tones, he expressed, "I know more than you think."

"Do you?"

"I know you are capable and intelligent. You are not one to cower in fear. You stand tall even against men like Stefano Russo. You are also a very attractive and beautiful woman. It is extraordinary to find so many desirable qualities in one person. It would sadden me to watch such a treasure go... unappreciated. Believe it or not, your well-being is closely tied to mine. I care very much about whether you live or die. Stay at my side, angelo, and I promise you will not regret your decision."

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