Welcome Home (Jesy)

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I've been deployed for 9 months and it's been the best and worst months of my life.

Best because I get to serve my country and do something that makes me proud and keeps the people I love safe. Worst because those same people I love, I haven't seen.

It's hard being away from home for so long, especially my beautiful girlfriend, Jesy. That's all about to change, though. Tomorrow, I'm going home for good.

I'm going to surprise her on tour. Her bandmates are helping me surprise her. As I'm thinking about how good it'll be to finally have my baby in my arms, my phone rings.

I see her contact name and picture flash across the screen and immediately smile.

"Hey, baby!"

"Y/N, I miss you. I can't believe they extended your deployment. I don't know if I can wait another month to see you."

I felt so bad about lying to Jesy and making her sad but I wanted to surprise her.

"I know baby, but just think, once I come home, I'll be home for good."

"I know, but it's still hard."

At that moment, my commanding officer walled in and signaled that my ride was here to take me to the airport and my baby.

"I know it is babe. Listen, I have to go. Good luck with your show tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N. Stay safe." I could hear the disappointment and sadness in her voice as we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I gathered my bags and walked out to see my team waiting to see me off. These were my brothers and sisters. They had my back and I had theirs. I know my leaving is bittersweet.

I wish them all well and tell them to stay safe as I leave ready to see the girl I love.

Jesy POV:

It's just before the last show and I want to be excited but I'm not. Once this show is over, I have to go back home to an empty house because the woman I love is gone.

I think the girls realize my sadness and try to cheer me up.

"Come on, Jes! This is the last show. Aren't you pumped?" Perrie asks me, practically bouncing.

"Yeah I'm excited, but I really miss Y/N."

"It's ok, Jesy. It won't be long until you see her again, " Leigh says while sharing a look with the rest of the girls. I would question it but at this moment I couldn't care.

Time Skip

We finish off the last note of Shout Out to My Ex and the crowd goes mental. It was the last song of our set and left the air electrified.

"Thank you O2. You've been a lovely crowd tonight, " I say, getting ready to leave the stage.

"Actually Jes, if you could come back for a second, " Jade stops me and looks out to the crowd. "We have a little surprise for you and we need your help O2."

The crowd screams in excitement while I stare at my bandmates in confusion.

"I don't know if any of you know but our Jesminda here, has been a little upset lately, " Perrie says to the crowd.

"You see, she's been missing someone very special to her, " Leigh-Anne continues.

"So we would like your help in welcoming home Private First Class Y/N Y/L/N, " Jade was into the mic as my eyes go wide and the crowd screams the loudest I've heard all night.

I turn around and see my baby in her uniform waking on stage. Tears blur my vision as I run across the stage and into Y/N's arms.

I wrap my legs around her waist and bury my head in her neck. Somehow the crowd screams even louder.

I pull away and take her face in my hands, still not believing that she's here. I lean in and our lips meet in a soft and unhurried kiss. All of the want and need of the past 9 months are flowing into it.

We pull away and I wrap my arms back around her neck as she places me back on my feet. She wipes my tears and caresses my cheek.

"I thought you still had another month?"

"Nope. I said that so I could surprise you."

"So you're home for good?" I ask.

"I'm home for good, " she says and leans her forehead on mine.

"Welcome home baby!" I whisper, burning this moment into my memory forever.

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