05 🗡 Meili, the Witch

Start from the beginning

"We bear no grudges against each other, but you are clearly making things difficult for this lad," the petite girl remarked with disinterest before shifting her gaze to Ace. "As my gratitude for your help earlier, just ask me if you want me to take his life and it shall be done."

Oreo gestured with his hands, asking Ace if the woman was crazy. The latter just shook his head subtly and said, "He's my friend."

"Your friend?" Meili let go of the tall guy's ear and frowned at the two.

"Yes, unfortunately." Ace sighed and introduced the two.

The two young guys had to suppress their laugh when Meili shook Oreo's hand like a robot. They could almost hear her mind counting each of her movement.

"She's not from this country," Ace explained to his friend afterward. "It seems she's also still not used to speaking our language."

"Oh. Which country are you from?" Oreo inquired.

"From a faraway land," the girl deadpanned. "I shall not disturb you any further." She spun around and made her way back to her seat, her movements displaying grace and pride that was uncommon in the eyes of the two guys from the modern era.

"Dude. Who the hell taught her to talk like an ancient person?" Oreo whispered. "I feel like time slows down whenever she talks."

Ace glared at his friend and responded, "Don't be rude. At least she's speaking our language."

"Have you seen her eyes? I really thought I was done for! That scared the hell out of me, bro. I need a hug." Oreo opened his arms wide and wiggled his fingers for added effect, further annoying his friend.

Ace looked at him sharply and threatened to hit him with a book. It was a wonder how this guy still breathes with how irritating he was.

Gathering the scattered books on the counter, Ace was about to prepare closing the library when his mischievous friend quickly grabbed the restricted section keycard hanging on his neck.

"Oreo! Give it back!" Ace hissed and chased after the guy. The restricted section contained some old books which were still being restored as well as a glass wall encasing the pages of the ancient book. If he wasn't on a night shift and the library head was still there, he would surely get in trouble.

When Ace reached the restricted room, it was already locked. And from the glass on the door, he could see that Oreo was already reading the pages on the panel. He knocked furiously to get his attention.

Oreo was smirking triumphantly as he opened the door and grabbed his wrist, dragging him inside.

"We're not allowed here!" Ace snapped, hitting the guy's shoulder.

"We're already inside, mom. Come on, help me to read the pages. I can't understand some of the ancient characters."

They were still in the middle of bickering when they saw Meili standing outside.

"Let her in," Oreo coaxed his friend. "Maybe she could read this since she's cosplaying the part of an ancient woman quite well."

Ace rolled his eyes at the guy before opening the door. Admittedly, he was also curious at the contents of the ancient book, but the translation was in the hands of the library head.

The girl stepped inside and placed her bag on the table before joining them.

"Meili, can you read these old characters?" Oreo asked as the three of them stood in front of the glass panel encasing the pages.

"Is there no one who can read this?" Meili asked cautiously.

"The book translation is in the library head's office, but we can't enter it. We're just curious about the contents of this novel," Ace reasoned.

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