
"Now, give me back my phone before I summon your mom!"


"Fucking marvelous! That vigilante's back and we still haven't made a move on our plans yet!" Shigaraki exclaims in frustration disintigrating a glass wine using his quirk with a certain must man, across of him just and having to be oftenly cleaning the wine glasses as of everyday.

"THAT HATSUKI ALREADY KNOWS ABOUT THE NOMU AND IS ALREADY BACK!" He said, punching the wall infront of him. "Though, what made them go to the west? Clearly Hatsuki knew about us from what those low lives told me but why take a longer stay there?"


Flashback (Musutafu)

Hatsuki was now currently running away from two villains who had a Fragment quirk and Laser quirk. Just like what's said, Fragment quirk can make the Quirk user touch you and make any bone in your body have a fragment. Laser quirked user can shoot lasers from his fingertips, reaching in a 2 meter distance and like using it like a rope.

"Oi! Give that back you little piece of shit!" One of them says, jumping in mid air and throwing a lace of his lazer to the identitied greenette known as Izuku Midoriya. "Sheesh, atleast don't judge a vigilante by its appearance, yeah?!" The vigilante spat back while jumping from roof to roof trying to keep up his energy.

As the vigilante Hatsuki kept running away, the two villains found themselves lost from the vigilante's path of way. Hatsuki could only grin like a maniac after discovering what he found and heard about.

After heading back home, he immediately hid the file onto one of his false desk drawers and plopped himself down onto his bed with a tired sigh. He close his eyes drifting on to a deep sleep and is glad that for the two next days are weekends.

Back to the Present

"Ne, Bakugo? Who's this shorty with you?" Kaminari asked the blonde while pointing to Izuku who hid from behind being defined as short. The 4 members of the bakusquad seemed to have met Katsuki and Izuku in a cafe by coincidence.

"Erm, Kacchan? Are they your classmates?" Izuku asked looking up to the blonde, still staying put on hiding from the group. "Oh! You must be the friend that Bakubro talked to me about!" Kirishima suddenly exclaims in his usual cheery mood with the others looking at him in shock aside from the two childhood friends.

"All of you shut up! Sit your asses down and let us talk you damn extras!" Katsuki exclaims in irritation to 'his' squad as they found themselves a table and the greenette and blonde taking their orders.

"Huh, both of them seems to be pretty close huh? That brocolli must have known Bakugo for some time to have him to properly deal with him, right?" Sero spoke out the others nodding along with him as they sweatdropped to see Izuku stepping onto their friend's foot who winced in pain because of cursing at the cashier lady.

"It's rare to see Bakugo behave like that, too! Must be hard for the shorty to deal with that guy." Kaminari says looking at the duo to see Izuku face palming in annoyance with Katsuki still muttering curses to the cashier lady who already had ear muffs on her. "Seems like it!" Ashido says.

After the two childhood friends ordering what they want, both of them went back to their table. "Hi I'm Izuku Midoriya! It's nice to finally meet Kacchan's friends!" Izuku says waving his hand to the others, some of them snickering from the kind of nickname their explosive classmate has.

Katsuki could only stare at him, in an annoyed manner. "Oi! They aren't my friends you deku!" He says to Izuku while dragging his ear making the greenette wince in pain.

"Atleast treat them as proper classmates, thotsuki! Be glad that I managed to get a hold of your whines up till now!" Izuku retorts back in slight anger, pinching the blonde's nose, the four others having their phones taken out to record the argument the duo is causing. The other customers seems to be entertained by this sight.

Imagine a news feed in the internet saying:

'Bakugo Katsuki being disciplined by an unknown civilian! Who is this person? We have our reasons in approving this as his caretaker!'

"Well, my name's Eijiro Kirishima! Nice to meet you Midoriya!" Kirishima says while holding out his hand for the greenette who shook it with a smile. "My name's Denki Kaminari and this is my bro, Sero!" Kaminari then introduces himself with him showing the greenette to Sero who grinned in a friendly manner.

"And my name's Mina Ashido! It's a pleasure to meet you, Midoriya! Bakugo seems to be also a loud mouth for ya too hm?" Ashido says together with her question causing Katsuki to glare at her. "Surely he is! But somehow the cause of him being like that is for him to let out his angry curses!"

The four crackheads laughed at what he said while Katsuki could only bang his head on the table then tackling the poor broccoli down. Luckily, Sero managed to tape the pomeranian away from Izuku just in time.

Author here-
So yeah, there's a vigilante and villain part here so I hope that it wasn't to messed up because I am not good in those kind of action scenes.

1627 words

Vigilante Of Society जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें