11 | like shattered chandeliers

Start from the beginning

My grey eyes narrowed as I looked between the pair of them, midway through a conversation that everyone was listening in on. The three gossip girls Sonia, Jeanette and another whispered something to each other and began recording the whole scene which was certainly going to be posted on social media.

"I knew you were going to bring Lucie into this. It's been a whole year for Christ's sake! She needs to get over herself. It's been so long," Prince exclaimed, stretched at the spine before shaking his head. He'd always been the tallest out of us all at 6ft 3 but seemed even more so.

"Prince, don't you dare tell her to get over herself," Arlo said severely, a threatening tone lingering in his voice. "You meant everything to her. I told you not to do it because I knew this would happen and you did it anyway."

"What do you mean 'everything to her?' She always was a drama queen. I never committed to anything."

"You never do."

Arlo didn't look happy at what Prince had said and it didn't take a split second for the golden eyes man to catch on to that. "Go on then, I've always wanted to know what you thought about everything that happened. Never had the balls to talk to me about it, did you?"

"Well then, I think it's about time."

"I'm waiting," he challenged.

There was a conflicting flame lurking in the cornflour depths in Arlo's eyes as if he wasn't sure if this was a good idea. It wasn't. He was the most reasonable out of them all but all sense had seemed to leave the room as soon as she stepped in.

The whole world was going to see this tomorrow and the sky seemed to be crashing down like shattered chandeliers.

"Alright then. You're a selfish bastard who's full of shit and thinks he can get anything with charm. Just because your fickle with feelings doesn't mean that you can-"

I zoned out, feet planted on the empty dance floor that felt like the lava of a volcano. My intense gaze was too absorbed on the girl in the gold dress to focus on everything else. There was still a tornado roaring in me and everyone else's problems seemed minuscule in comparison.

Before I knew it, there were loud shouts.

The pair were squaring up to each other and they were roughly shoving each other backwards in their suit blazers. Before beside me, I could see everyone's eyes widen, certainly not expecting it to get this bad.

A push from Prince sent Arlo stumbling backwards and crashing onto the table behind. He grasped onto the tablecloth for support, accidentally ripping it from the table. The expensive flower vase rolled off from it and hit against the floor with a thud. A second later the ceramic plates came crashing down too, eight thousand pounds going down the drain.

"You bastard," Arlo growled with a power that I didn't think he could muster. "You wanted the truth and now you can't face it."

Prince laughed, pent up feelings coming out. "Oh really? We'll see about that. Get up then. If you can manage that."

Only them did I notice that a trickle of blood was rolling down from Arlo's nose, the viper red standing out bluntly against his ice skin.

That's odd. Prince didn't even shove him that hard.

I hadn't been the only one to notice it.

"Get the fuck away from him, Parvais."

Within seconds, Talisa was in front of Arlo, protectively placing herself between the pair of them with a scowl on her face. There was no way she could calm down Prince but Lisa was never one to calm somebody down. No, that was it. She didn't intent on calming Prince down. 

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