Unfortunately he was right, when he said that luck has forsaken him. Only three of all this people showed up. Nevertheless he had to do something, so he sent one of them to bring the girl and with the rest he went to the general. He will overcome this hindrance. He believes in that.

Yoo Ji Woon went to the Shim household and asked servant to call for the general in his name. Then he was invited in, so he went there, ordering the witnesses to follow him. He thought that in this situation he will feel fear, but surprisingly he was calm. He hoped, that everything will settle in his favour, Woong Tae will remain as his friend, Hwa Ryeong won't get married and he'll proof his value to the officer Choi.

But the reality hit him. They entered the landlord's spacious study room, where general Shim was situated behind his table. The first thing Ji Woon noticed was absence of his father, so he didn't waste his time.

'Sir.' He nodded. 'May I ask where is my father?' He asked.

'Why? I have send him to arrange some matters, since the wedding will be held soon. As probably you know.' The general's voice was as usual calm and collected, yet his eyes were more cautious.

Ji Woon took a deep breath in. He had two options: either work alone or wait for his father. He choose first. The opportunity like this may not happen again. 'General, you see, this men have come to my household to pass forward some horrible news...'

'That is?' Landlord was keeping any eye on Ji Woon, so young man face quickly covered in sweat.

'Maybe they will speak...' Ji Woon pushed one of the man in front of him. The man resisted but finally gave up.

'Sir... I've seen some terrible things...' He stuttered.

'I've already heard that is bad. But please, speed up, we don't have whole night!' General raised his voice irritated.

'Sir... We've might saw your son, young master Shim, harassing some really young girl...' The man finally told everything.

'Only might've seen? But did you really see?' General was balky. He often used one's word against themselves.

Ji Woon kicked the second man, so he would came up to the front. 'We've seen, my lord...' He said, lowering his head not looking at the landlord.

'So this time he was seen... What he has done?' General said.

'My lord... He was playing dirty with this little girl... He committed a rape!' The first man said, in sudden gush of courage.

'Who've seen that?'

'Three man came to my house.' Ji Woon said. 'The two are in front of you and third is waiting outside with this girl.'

'What girl?' Suddenly Woong Tae voice could be heard. He entered the room and welcomed his father, standing in between him and the guests. 'What is happening?'

'My dear sleazebag son. I've warned you many times. This time you should just pray that this won't change into some bigger affair that could jeopardise your marriage.'

Woong Tae didn't answer on that, just looked in apologetic manner at Ji Woon. His friend dodged his gaze, feeling as he is being caught red-handed.

'Bring them in!' General continued.

Ji Woon rushed out to meet the man, which was holding the girl by a hand. She clearly wanted to run away and she was brought there by force. As she saw approaching Ji Woon she started to grapple with the man even harder, just to avoid the young man. Ji Woo caught her second hand.

'Stop, it will worsen your position here!' He hissed at her.

'No, let me go! No!' She screamed as she was dragged to the master's study. The man helped Ji Woon to harness her.

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